Warhammer 40K: 10th Ed Drukhari Rules Preview – Realspace Raiders Return

The Raiders from the Dark City are gearing up for some looting runs. The Drukhari are coming to 10th edition Warhammer 40,000!
When it comes to partying in the Grimdark few factions do it quite like the Drukhari. They are just out there looking for a good time. Now, their definition of “fun” might vary from the norm but few factions can do debauchery like the Drukhari. Just uh…watch out for the spikes. The real question we have is what can they do on the tabletop? So let’s get into it!
“These haughty reavers now range across the galaxy, sadistic parasites with a ravenous appetite for violence and spectacle. Merciless Archons command hosts of Kabalite Warriors, Succubi caper into battle followed by screaming mobs of Wyches, while flesh-weaving Haemonculi unleash their most twisted experiments onto hapless foes.
All three persuasions (and strange mercenaries besides) work together in the new edition of Warhammer 40,000 to accomplish one singular goal – inflicting maximum pain for maximum profit.”
Drukhari Faction Rules
Army Rule – Power From Pain
Alright, we know how they gain these tokens but what are they used for?
It really depends on when you activate the tokens. The good news is you can do this at the start of any phase and you can spend multiple tokens. We’re also assuming you can choose different units each time. That means you could save up a bunch of tokens and then spend them for a big power play 40k turn — or meter them out over time based on a unit-by-unit need.
Detachment Rule – Realspace Raiders
This Detachment rule basically allows you to earn a bunch of extra Power from Pain tokens just for having a variety of units on the tabletop. You might want to keep that in mind when you’re doing your list building.
Stratagem – Alliance of Agony
Again, remember this when you’re putting your army together! GW really wants you to take at least one of each type of Drukhari “sub-faction” units.
Drukhari Unit Rules
Venoms are a staple for the Drukhari Raiders. They aren’t super tough compared to other transports but they make-up for that with speed and a 6+ Invulnerable save. They also have a ton of abilities to lean on, too. Watch out for their Athletic Aerialists rule as it will allow infantry to embark at the end of the fight phase!
Kabalite Warriors
The basic Kabalite Warriors are still going to pack some serious firepower for their footprint. They are going to be your bread and butter for taking and holding objectives, too. Throw them on a transport and dash around to grab key objectives while they blast away!
Weapon – Twin Drukhari Haywire Blaster
The Drukhari have other options for popping armor besides Dark Lances. Haywire Blasters are effective thanks to their anti-vehicle 4+ rule. No vehicle is safe from these raiders.
Weapon – Lelith’s Blades
If you thought that her attacks were a little lacking, well, that strength 3 is really just a placeholder when she’s attacking infantry! Also she’s got a special ability up her non-existent sleeves:
“Once per battle, Lelith can put on a Thrilling Spectacle, which increases the number of attacks she makes to 12 and increases her invulnerable save to 3+, turning her into a living blender of untouchable blades.”
Infantry really doesn’t want to mess with her and characters are going to face a dueling monster vs Lelith!
The Raiders from Dark City are coming! Be prepared for their lightning fast strikes and deadly firepower.