Warhammer 40K: 10th Ed Genestealer Cult Rules Preview – Ascension Day

The Genestealer Cults are getting the spotlight with their Warhammer 40,000: 10th Edition rules preview. The Cult will RISE!
They might be the Snidely Whiplash of Warhammer Villains but that’s only because when their plan works everyone on the planet dies. The same can be said of their acumen on the tabletop. When the Genestealer Cult battle plan comes together they are nigh unstoppable. Unfortunately for them this is easier said than done. And now in 10th Edition they are still a force you can’t underestimate so let’s see what makes them tick.
The Genestealer Cults combine cunning,* fanaticism, and monstrous alien horror. Numberless hordes of Neophyte Hybrids burst from sewers, mine workings, and rusted conduits to overwhelm their enemies. Fast-moving Atalan Jackals and Achilles Ridgerunners outflank foes while Sanctus assassins take out key targets. Twisted Abominants and Aberrants smash through the toughest enemy defences as the Kelermorph starts blasting with its liberator autostubs.
Genestealer Cult Rules
Faction Rules – Cult Ambush
Kicking things off it’s important to note that every Genestealer Cult Infantry unit comes standard with Deep Strike now. Secondly, Cult Ambush allows you to bring units that have been destroyed back. Now, it’s not instant and you do have to roll a 4+ to do it, but it’s actually pretty easy for Battleline units to just pop back up. It’s going to be tough to cover the entire board so that they can’t come back. I’m also curious if this only applies once per unit…because it doesn’t say that in the text above.
Army Rule – Brood Brothers
Oh hey, you still get access to Astra Militarum units, too! Thanks Brood Brothers for helping us fill our ranks.
Detachment Rule – Ascension Day – They Came From Below
When your units DO pop back up from the Reinforcements setup they also get Sustained Hits 1 and Ignores Cover until the end of your next fight phase. That’s a pretty nasty trick to pull on the enemy!
Stratagem – Coordinated Trap
For 2 CP you basically give two units in your army +1 to wound for their attacks towards a specific enemy unit. This seems like it could be a good one-two combo against a tough target. This does make me a little curious if that’s going to be overkill or “just enough” kill to take out the unit though.
Stratagem – Tunnel Crawlers
I got really excited to see this and then read the restriction that the same unit can’t charge the same turn. Okay…okay…but at least you can shoot. And with the right unit of sappers this could be a devastating bombing run. Or just a bucket load of dice into another unit.
Genestealer Cult Unit Rules
Neophyte Hybrids
Neophyte Hybrids just keep coming thanks to the Cult Icon. This wargear allows them to regen destroyed models in the unit. And you’ll get even more models back if you’re near an objective marker. That’s a nice trait to have for a Battleline unit that’s little more than chaff.
Genestealer Cult Patriarch
You’re probably going to want to stick the Patriarch in a unit of Genestealers and have them all come in together. He’s a leader unit and grants Devastating Wounds to the unit he’s leading. Additionally, he’s got some Psychic powers to flex. He’s going to rip up other infantry in close combat but he’s not exactly on a Primarch’s level. Just keep that in mind when you’re tossing him at units to devour.
Weapon – Demolition Charges/Remote Explosives
The Saboteur is back with a pair of BOOMs. Obviously Demo Chargers are the big hitter but with a 6″ range and a One Shot option, this is a real “all-in” sort of play. But it’s one heck of a blast! Alternatively, Remote Explosives is indirect and provides a lot of little booms all over the place. Don’t discount these strength 5 “shots” from them.
Weapon – Power Sledgehammer
Sooo look out for Abominants with Power Sledgehammers. That’s quite the strength and damage potential from them. These guys will tear a vehicle up!
The Genestealer Cults is a tough army to master but if you can get all your ducks in a row and pull off the great plan, well, everyone dies!