Warhammer 40K: 10th Ed Imperial Knights Rules Preview – Honor & Glory

Games Workshop has a new preview for the Imperial Knights. How with they work in 10th Edition? Time to get a tease!
The Imperial Knights are upon us. The banners are unfurled, the horns blaring, and chivalric oaths are being taken. What does it all mean? We’re pretty sure it means the Knight Houses are preparing for Warhammer 40,000 10th Edition!
“The 41st Millennium is a dangerous place, so wouldn’t you rather experience it from the safety of a giant walking war machine the size of a house? …Bigger is better, and Knights are the biggest.”
Imperial Knights Faction Rules
Army Rule – Code Chivalric
The Knights fight for honor and glory. Even on the blighted and grimdark battlefields of the Dark Millennium, the Knight Houses hold themselves to a higher standard than merely victory. Their army rule represents this with the Code Chivalric. At the start of the battle, you choose one of two Oaths which your army must perform. Each comes with a benefit, and a goal. Accomplishing the goal will net your Imperial Knight army a juicy prize of 3CP, and the title of Honored!
Lay Low the Tyrant requires you to slay the enemy Warlord. While you are trying, you gain rerolls of 1 to hit and wound anytime you target the fiend!
Reclaim the Realm requires you to strike deep and claim an Objective in the enemy Deployment Zone. To get you there in record time, you enjoy +1 Move, and Advance, & Charge rolls.
Detachment Rule – Indomitable Heroes
The Indomitable Heroes Detachment means your army gains a 6+ Feel No Pain. If you accomplish your Code Chivalric Oath and become Honoured, that increases to a very spicy 5+! That’s going to keep your Knights in the fight a whole lot longer!
Stratagem – Shoulder the Burden
Did you need to add a little oomph to that one Knight to help put them over the top? Shoulder the Burden grants a single damaged Imperial Knights unit +1 to Move, Toughness, Save, Leadership and OC for a single turn. It’s only once per game, but you can use it twice if your army is Honored. Again we see the designers really pushing you to accomplish your Oath.
Stratagem – Shoulder the Burden
Trophy Claim is an\ gambling player’s classic risk-reward proposition. You call out an enemy Vehicle or Monster, and gain +1 to wound this turn. If you kill it THIS turn, you gain 1CP. If it survives, your shame prevents you from using this Stratagem again during the game.
Imperial Knights Unit Rules
Armiger Warglaive
Everyone’s favorite swiss army knife Armiger the Helglaive is back and looking great. You have a very solid baselin of stats and that hefty T10, W12, and OC8. The damage output is respectable for such a little guy, while Imptuous Glory will make them a little more dangerous on the charge.
The being damaged penalty is fairly minor, and that lovely 5+ Invulnerable is nice to see back in action. Groups of these Armigers are boing to a pain to take down in time before they get to you.
Canix Rex
The Chainbreaker returns! Now we see the baseline stats of the Questoris Knight chassis and it’s a beast. T12,W22, and OC10 are nothing to sneeze at. Rex inflicts Critical Hits on 5s, and his Freedom’s Hand sweep is utterly terrifying! It can literally remove entire squads of quality infantry from the game in a single phase. He has to get to midrange to use the Las-Impulsor, but it does not disappoint with its multiple stat settings.
Finally Legendary Freeblade means you can use a Stratagem on Canis Rex each turn for free! So Sir Hekhtur will be over-performing all game long. I really hope they add in several more Freeblades to the codex in 10th.
Weapon – Thundercoil Harpoon
It’s back and no, you’re not going to need a bigger boat. The Thundercoil Harpoon is back with its delicious and entertaining – might miss, might instantly kill whatever you aim at statline. S24, AP-6, D12 is already a lot to take in. Then add in Anti-Monster4+, Anti-Vehicle4+, Devastating Wounds and it becomes almost farce! But watch out. only 1 Attack and an 18″ range, means you have to work for it. Let’s suit up and go Carnifex hunting!
Weapon – Thundercoil Harpoon
The Rapid-fire Battle Cannon is the old standby of the Knight Houses and it gets the job done. Solid stats, great range, S10, D3, and a lot of shots means it is a serious danger but not too over the top for just about anything you point it at. Blast ensures even those pesky horde units need to keep their little heads down.
The Imperial Knights are gong to accomplish their Oaths very soon in Warhammer 40,000 10th Edition…