Warhammer 40K: 10th Ed Necron Rules – Reanimated For The New Edition

The Necrons have not been idle since the new edition for Warhammer 40,000 was announced. They’ve got some new upgrades to show off.
They might have been the launch baddies for 9th Edition but that doesn’t mean they are taking a break in 10th. The Necrons are still marching strong into 10th and they’ve gotten some upgrades to match the new edition. Let’s see what the Necrons are packing.
Necrons In Warhammer 40,000 10th Edition
“The Necrons are an ancient civilisation who ruled the galaxy millions of years before humans first walked Terra. In order to claim victory in an epic – and apocryphal – war against their ancient rivals, they used advanced technology to transfer the consciousness of their entire race into mechanical bodies. They then sealed themselves away, planning to awaken in the far future of a galaxy ripe for conquest.”
Faction Rules
Reanimation Protocols
The Necrons were always a tough army to completely put down and a large part of that was their Reanimation Protocols. This is just a flat, army wide ability that allows each unit with the Reanimation Protocols to regen D3 lost wounds. This can also bring back models! It does clarify that it the model is multi-wound it only comes back with 1 wound…however, if you’ve still got wounds left to regen then that new model would get those. Now, you can’t add new models to the unit but they can come back to full strength.
Detachment – Awakened Dynasty
Command Protocols is also in addition to any other benefits the Necrons Character gives the unit they are leading. That’s a nice little boost just for having them around. It also makes me think that Necron Players might want to load-up on Characters to lead units…
Stratagem – Protocol of the Hungry Void
Again, having Necron Characters in the units is going to make the units even better. This stratagem would net a character-led unit with an additional AP and Strength for their melee attacks while the character would also confer that +1 to hit, too. Even a squad of basic warriors could be a threat with those bonuses.
Necron Units
The Monolith is back and looking mighty beefy! That statline is no joke! Towering on the battlefield with 14 toughness and 20 wounds along with a 2+ save is nothing to sneeze at! It’s also going to pump out some supporting fire as well as spit units out thanks to the Eternity Gate. It’s also got an Objective Control value of 8 which makes it perfect for slamming on an Objective and helping other units, like warriors, control them.
Again, Warriors might not look like much on paper but they get D6 to their reanimation protocols instead of just D3! And if they are near an objective they get D3+3 back instead for a minimum of 4 warriors regening a turn. And don’t forget to throw in a character in that unit for a never ending bodyguard!
Necron Weapons
Looking to bring the boom? Want to make the enemies just…disappear? The aptly named Necron Doomsday Cannon is just what you’re looking for. It’s got the range to reach across the tabletop and it’s got the stats to make those shots count! If this thing doesn’t move it’s hitting on 2+ and that’s going to STING!
Sometimes even the Necrons like to get up close and personal. The Void Dragon has two different options for their spear to carve up targets. Against vehicles, it’s going to cut right to the machine spirit with it’s strike attack. As for mass infantry, well, the sweep attack will work wonders.
The Necrons are preparing for war in 10th …Are you?