40 Years of Warhammer: Miniature Retrospective – Angron, Primarch of the World Eaters

Angron’s Primarch of the World Eaters model really struck a chord and set the tone for the rest of the Horus Heresy line.
This year marks the 40th anniversary of Warhammer and Games Workshop is taking some time to look back at miniatures that had a big impact on their work. Today we’re looking at the first Primarch model that was released from Forge World as part of the Horus Heresy line. It’s Angron in all his Primarch glory set during the Horus Heresy era!
Although the first Primarch models were released at Epic scale for 1992’s Space Marine game, Angron was the first to arrive for the Horus Heresy Character Series. This range eventually grew to contain all 18 Primarchs, from Lion El’Johnson to Alpharius, and then to other dramatis personae from the Horus Heresy like Nathaniel Garro and Sevatar.
Sculpted in resin and running at a furious sprint, his twin chainaxes Gorechild and Gorefather in hand, the Red Angel stood above two unlucky World Eaters while trampling over a third marine from the Death Guard.
Angron, Primarch of the World Eaters
Angron was indeed the first Primarch model released from Forge World and his design really set the tone and influenced the Horus Heresy range from then on. While his Armour of Mars is Nucerian in design it’s the “gritty and battle-worn aesthetic” that carried on to the future range of miniatures.
While this model is the of the Horus Heresy line, it’s not the first time we got to see a version of Angron on the tabletop.
“All four daemon Primarchs were first featured in Space Marine: Epic Battles in the Age of Heresy, albeit in smaller forms that bear little resemblance to their modern versions. “
Eventually GW would release the Primarch in his Daemon form and he gained quite the size upgrade. That said, the new miniature still has quite a few nods to the Horus Heresy version of Angron.
Angron, Primarch of the World Eaters Legion is a really great model and I personally still think it’s one of the best Forge World Primarch models they produced. It’s a pose that captures the raw rage of Angron in a dynamic and action-filled pose. So raise your twin chain-axes and salute Angron!
No wonder he became the avatar of Khorne’s Wrath, amirite?!