Age of Sigmar: ‘Dawnbringer’ Boxed Sets Ranked

We’re ranking the new Dawnbringer Boxed Sets coming to pre-order this weekend. Which one are you wanting to snag?
Games Workshop is releasing four new boxed sets for the Dawnbringer boxed sets that feature different Regiments of Renown. This isn’t the first time we’ve seen GW do something like this either. That said, we’ve got our eye on them as they do have alternate options if you don’t want to run them as their respective Regiment of Renown. We’re ranking these purely on which ones we like best and think we’d get the most out of — your mileage may vary.
#4 Dawnbringers: Fyreslayers – Fjori’s Flamebearers
Coming in 4th place we’re going with the Fyreslayer box of Fjori’s Flamebearers. While our man Clint will probably want this one we don’t see this one being a great fit for the rest of us. As a Regiment of Renown you can usually slot these forces into other Order Armies. However we’re not sure Fyreslayer make the best allies. We’d LOVE to see the rules for this regiment. But for now this box is pretty low on our list because we don’t think they will “solve a problem” in an Order army that can’t be done by existing options in their respective Battletomes.
#3 Dawnbringers: Flesh-eater Courts – Jerrion’s Delegation
This is another boxed set that has a cool character in it — but we’re just not sure what role it would fill in other Death Armies. For a lot of the same reasons that we ranked the Fyreslayers lower could be echoed with this set, too. It’s not BAD it’s just the units shown off in this regiment don’t fill a role in other Death Armies that needed help. Do Soulblight need more cheap units like ghouls? No — they have Zombies and Skeletons. Do Nighthaunt need units that don’t synergize with the rest of the army? Will you even be able to take them in an Ossiarch Bonereaper list?!
Again, we’d REALLY like to see the rules for these because they just might have some unseen synergies. But for now, we’re not seeing a good reason to add them to a non-FEC army.
#2 Dawnbringers: Gloomspite Gitz – Braggit’s Bottle-snatchaz
Okay, now we’re getting somewhere. “Wait, you think Gitz are useful in Destruction armies?” YES, absolutely. These are some of the cheapest and most points-effective screens out there. Squigs are great for a lot of reasons you can’t put on paper. You really want to mess with your opponent? That random X+D6 movement is going to make them play around these squigs in weird ways. Also Gobbapalooza is hilarious to use. And the Squig hoppers can also cause some serious damage. Alternatively, there’s not a Squig-theme list out there that can’t find a use for 10 more squigs or 10 more Boingrot Bounderz. This is a solid boxed set for any Destruction player and double that for Gloomspite Players!
#1 Dawnbringers: Maggotkin of Nurgle – Phlugoth’s Shudderhood
Okay okay okay…the real reason we think this is the best box is simple: Phlugoth. That model is freakin’ awesome.
We’re throwing every other criteria out the window and making this box our #1 pick just for that model. We’re not saying this was inspired by a certain art piece but we’re also not saying it wasn’t inspired by it. Either way it’s pretty awesome looking and with the iconic Nurgle themes layered on top this is just an awesome model to have in any collection. I guess I’ll have to find a use for the rest of the stuff in the box now.
I think I need that Nurgle one…