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Age of Sigmar: Dino-volution – New Seraphon Beasties

3 Minute Read
Jun 4 2023

Evolution never stops, and the ancient guardians of the Realms know you have to adapt to survive.

The new Seraphon are officially out and haven’t been idle in their hidden temple cities. Those who threaten the balance of the universe or defile the sacred ruins of the Old Ones will face new and deadlier threats. The stalwart crusaders of Sigmar and roving bands of Chaos will have to contend with aggressive mount beasts, sacred monsters, and the crocodilian spawn of the gods themselves. From a modeling point of view, that means gorgeous new models for your scaly warriors and powerful new strategies to make use of them. While some nostalgic fans might miss the old critters, it’s hard to deny that the new stuff is beautiful.


What happens when you take the brute strength of a Cold One and add the intellect and ferocity of a Khorne Warrior? You get the Aggradon, the new mount of choice for the Saurus Knights. As much as I will miss the scaley brutes of the past (RIP Spite), I love the more streamlined, lethal look of the Aggradon. They look like sleek hunting beasts, perfect for navigating the Realms’ dense jungles or traversing the Old Ones’ labyrinthine temple cities. Plus, they can work themselves into a violent frenzy like their larger cousins, the Carnosaurs, so they add a deadly edge to their charge. They aren’t the stubborn brutes the enemy has gotten used to, and they will underestimate the speed of these beasts to their peril.


While not as large as their Aggradon counterparts, Raptadons are a faster skirmish option for the more diminutive Skink warriors. They can deliver their riders to the flanks of the enemy line to deliver wickedly sharp javelins before charging in to finish the job. Like their Skink riders, they possess a wicked intellect, making them the perfect unit to range ahead of the main line, observing battle formations, enemy weaknesses, and ambush paths. If the Aggradons are the lances of the Seraphon battleline, then the Raptadons are the hail of arrows that precede the charge.

Kroxigor Warspawned

While Kroxigors are not a new sight on the battlefield, this larger, more aggressive variant is an unwelcome addition for the enemy. They resemble an ancient Seraphon beast of legend long thought to be an avenging jungle spirit, and the Skinks view them with great reverence. This devotion isn’t lost on the great beasts, either, who descend into a wild frenzy when any of their Skink cohorts are killed. Their massive warpicks and powerful jaws can bring down the monsters, beasts, and any infantry unfortunate enough to be in their path. They are the ultimate hunters, and the Skinks’ religious fervor focuses them into weapons of war.

Spawn of Chotec


Like the Kroxigors above, the Spawn of Chotec is a larger and more deadly variant of an older Seraphon beastie: the Salamander. However, the acidic flames that this creature spits are far deadlier than the fire lizards of the Old World. Worshiped as living embodiments of the Sun God and goaded into battle by devout Skink handlers, these creatures are designed to melt heavy armor to slag and devastate war machine crews. Cannons and tanks alike are no match for the raw fury of the sun.

Which new models are your favorites?

Author: Clint Lienau
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