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Age of Sigmar: Heroic Heralds – A Look at the Dawnbringers Harbingers

4 Minute Read
Jun 21 2023

Heralds usually show up to deliver a message, so what message are the four new Dawnbringers Harbingers hiding from us?

While most of the Games Workshop hype is (rightfully) focused on 40k 10th edition, they haven’t forgotten the Mortal Realms. Alongside the promise of the next season of warfare, a new Realm of Battle, and even a brand new army, we got a look at four incredible heroes headed our way. While we don’t have much in the way of rules previews for them, just the look of these warriors is an awesome sign of things to come. Every Grand Alliance got one, and they all look amazing. But what will they do? And are they, as the name suggests, a portent of something more?

Harbinger of Decay

While not a new model in the same sense as the others, the Harbinger of Decay has nonetheless gotten a significant glowup from his days as a metal Chaos Lord. The new model is gorgeous, literally dripping with details and pestilent gifts of Nurgle. If he’s anything like he looks, he’ll be a Nurgle Chaos warrior model that can spread contagion to nearby enemies just by his presence on the field, and empower his fellow children of Nurgle with feverish blessings. He may even get the coveted Priest title, allowing him to throw down deadly prayers that are much harder to dodge than spells. Regardless of what he does on the battlefield, one thing is for sure: where this dour rider goes, death will follow.

Marrowscroll Herald

Easily the model I’m most excited about, the Marrowscroll Herald is a fabulous hero piece, and the first bit of Flesheater goodness we’ve gotten in quite some time. Like the other models in the series, he’s phenomenal to look at, and his massive fanged weapon looks like it’s going to do terrible damage to his enemies. I’m hoping that what he’s heralding is the return of the Flesheater Courts, and a battletome that will finally make them viable in 3.0. Since we have a guarantee that a new Death tome is coming in the Fall, and they’re the only ones left, I think it’s a pretty good bet. In the meantime, however, this glorious piece will be a fun project for any true sons of Bretonnia, or anyone feeling a bit ghoulish, while they wait for their triumphant return.

Grimhold Exile

Ah yes, another angry dwarf; must be a Fyreslayer hero. However, this one has every right to be this mad. As the last survivor of a devastated Magmahold, the Grimhold Exiles hold the last embers of their Great Furnace in their hammers, and bring the anger and fury of an entire Magmahold with them. The Fyreslayers are defined by the strength of their heroes, and they could have easily dominated the last Season of War. However, they didn’t have the troops variety to keep up with the rapid growth in the other factions. I’m hoping the Exile heralds a renaissance for the Fyreslayers, who hold a special place in my heart as the first army I played in AoS. Whether he’s a priest or just a deadly companion for the Berserker, I’ll definitely be investing in this angry ginger.



Forget the Age of the Beast; the Gloomspite gitz are constantly reminding us it’s the Age of the Squig, and this hero is no different. With a massive squig helmet and an army of Squigbats at his command, this cave dweller is here to summon some cave friends and make mushroom stew out of his enemies. I love the idea of a goblin that is just so loud and angry that he pushes even Trolls to great feats of haste, to say nothing of what he does for Squigs. I imagine he’s going to make the already potent Squig list even nastier, and the only thing keeping him even partially contained is that he can’t take a mount.

Which hero are you most excited for?

Author: Clint Lienau
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