This ‘Metroid’ Samus Aran Cosplay Completes Impossible Missions

She’s the Intergalactic Bounty Hunter who can accomplish ANYTHING. This Samus Aran cosplay is the best form of nostalgia.
Few vintage video games are as easily recognizable or highly revered as the Metroid series. For decades, the protagonist, Samus, has traipsed across the side-scrolling screens of multiple gaming platforms. And she never fails in her impossible missions.
This week we’re here to celebrate the best of Samus Aran cosplay.
Video game characters are some of the most fascinating material for cosplayers to embody. We’ve covered everything from Warrior cosplays to Final Fantasy, Bloodrayne to Horizon Zero Dawn. But, video game characters are just incredibly dynamic.
This makes for fun cosplays. So it’s no wonder that most of the most popular costumes we have covered come from video game characters.
Though Samus was originally famous for her epic armor, it’s the Zero Suit that most cosplayers don. This makes it easier to recognize the cosplayer since her face isn’t covered.
The amazing cosplayer we have featured before, Anya Ichios, sports costumes that not only go for screen-realism in their construction but also in their photoshoots. We hope you enjoy this week’s Samus Aran cosplay!
Samus Aran Cosplay by Anya Ichios Cosplay
“I first battled the Metroids on planet Zebes. It was there that I foiled the plans of the Space Pirate leader, Mother Brain, to use the creatures to attack galactic civilization…”
“I next fought the Metroids on their homeworld, SR388.”
“I completely eradicated them, except for a larva which, after hatching, followed me like a confused child… “
” The scientist’s findings were astounding!”
“They discovered that the powers of the Metroid might be harnessed for the good of civilization!”
“Satisfied that all was well, I left the station to seek a new bounty to hunt.”
“But, I had hardly gone beyond the asteroid belt when I picked up a distress signal!”
“Ceres station was under attack!!”
“Planet Zebes… I called this place home once, in peaceful times, long before evil haunted the caverns below.”
“Now I shall finally tell the tale of my first battle here… My so-called Zero Mission.”
“That computer reminds me of a gruff Federation CO I served under named Adam Malkovich. He called me “Lady” on missions; from anyone else, it would’ve sounded sarcastic, but Adam made it sound dignified. Out of respect and with some irony, I named the computer after him.”
“As I listened to the briefing, my thoughts turned to Adam. The real Adam understood me well. He would end orders by saying, “Any objections, Lady?” He knew I wouldn’t disagree. That was just his way of noting our trust. I wonder if I can trust this computer, too…”
“Etecoons and Dachoras. I’ve met these intelligent beings before. They seemed to recognize me, as well. How unusual to meet again here. In the past, they’ve helped me unleash abilities I didn’t know I had. But where did they run to? I hope they’re safe…”
“I personally delivered it to the galactic research station at Ceres so scientists could study it’s energy-producing qualities…”
“The real Adam would have said the same thing about that incident, but he would have softened the blow. He was relentless in his criticism, but he always cared… He was not a machine obsessed with duty. No such compassion could exist in that computer…”
Join us next week for more cosplay coverage!
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