D&D: Five Mechanical Mounts For Your ‘Tears of the Kingdom’ Fantasies

D&D is full of many strange and wondrous creatures you can ride on. And a surprising number of them are robot horses or the like.
Mechanical mounts and fantasy have gone together since well before the launch of the genre-defining World of Warcraft brought the Mechanostriders of Gnomeregan into the public eye. Nowhere is safe from robot horses.
These majestic, ridable machines can be found throughout D&D, even and especially in 5th Edition. Whether it’s Clockwork constructs or an actual giant robot, here are some of the best mechanical mounts in D&D.
Clockwork Mule
This is literally what it says on the tin. A mechanical mule who can be maintained. As a construct, the mule need not eat, as a mule, it is sure-footed and capable of carrying much more than you’d think. With a speed of 40 ft., a Clockwork Mule is a great beginner mechanical mount.
Metal Wasp
Being Small in D&D doesn’t actually mean much. In most cases, it means you can’t use heavy weapons. And of course, you can ride on Medium creatures. This means that if you’re Small, you could hop on a Metal Wasp.
These robotic, giant wasps were introduced in Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage, and not only have a flying speed of 50 ft., they also have a piercing sting that deals extra poison damage and can paralyze targets reduced to 0 hit points by its poison.
Steel Predator
These merciless machines were originally created using a machine in the city of Sigil. Initially designed as hunter-killers, Steel Predators have long since become their own thing. Some Steel Predators lose their natural instinct to return to Sigil and break down into their component parts, leaving no trace.
These are typically wild predators, but can be tamed—if you manage it, you get a magically resistant mount that can deliver a vicious multi-attack and stun creatures with a roar.
Apparatus of Kwalish
The Apparatus of Kwalish is a mechanical lobster submarine that you can ride in and use its claws to attack with. It’s pretty great. You should convince your DM to let you have one today.
Mighty Servant of Leuk-O
The Mighty Servant of Leuk-O is just straight-up a mech. It has space for two pilots, so it’s twice as good a mount as pretty much anything else. And while piloting it, you can get up to all sorts of mecha-fueled shenanigans.
What’s your favorite mechanical mount?