Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Welcome to the 10th Edition Early Meta

Goatboy here and just looking at all the released Warhammer 40K rules, it’s time to discuss the new emerging 40K 10th Edition Meta.
Or at least the very early expected 40K Meta – there have been some big 10th edition rules changes – as we see it for what will be a few weeks I expect. I think shooting is going to be key – and having anything that amplifies that shooting will be important.
40K Meta – Indirect Fire is a Big Deal
The big thing right now is – indirect fire is still here, still very good, and some armies have it with some insane benefits. This is going to be huge in 40K’s meta, as again if an enemy can shoot you and you can’t shoot them it’s not going to be a good game for one of you. This leaves us looking at a few armies that love to do that like Astra Militarum and sadly – the new Eldar have a ton of it too.
I expect Eldar to be better for it as again they have Fate dice and ways to make more Fate dice. But of course Guard might get better if ForgeWorld is kind to them. We’ll just have to see – but Eldar so far, feel like their access to potent indirect fire puts them in a tier all by themselves.
Of course other armies have some powerful indirect fire with Grey knight having some units that can. But I feel their shooting is weirdly not effective enough for all levels of the game. Time will tell. CSM have an amazing shooting unit in Obliterators and that might be one of the pillars of the faction. CSMs may rely heavily on that firepower to pressure armies with some rough counter-punching from deep striking Oblits.
40K Meta – Assault Is Looking Weaker
On the Assault front it looks like if you are not insanely “fast” it will be a rough time for armies trying to get across the table. This might mean a change to having a ton of tough vehicles that can deliver your melee forces. Thus the punch up of the Land Raider in 10th’s Meta. It is sad to see a lot of the FW Horus Land Raider variants not showing up in 40K right off the bat, but wi’ll see. I can say the 4 or 5 Land Raiders I have (I know, I have a problem…) might see a tabletop soon. Or need a sweet new repaint.
40K Meta – Thousand Sons & Custodes Have a Shot
There are a ton of interesting rules combos with the Thousand Sons just looking a bit nutty when fighting armies that don’t like Psychic weapons. This army looks pretty fun with a ton of neat little interactions that might be too complicated in the end. I know my Thousand Son friends are excited for the new 40K Meta. The Thousand Sons army doesn’t feel as beat up like the Death Guard do and some of the lackluster Marine options.
Adeptus Custodes still look interesting and if the game is going heavy into Devastating Wounds, their 4+ to mortal wounds will be important. We all know how they can just – “oops I guess I rolled a ton of 4+’s” and ruin the day for any opponent’s game plan.
40K Early Meta – The Verdict
In conclusion it’s going to be a rough time if you are not heavily invested in the good Eldar stuff. The Craftworlders new unit rules let them hit hard, are easy to protect if needed, and can counter-punch even harder. I dont’ think it is end of the world as again – terrain and mission play will help (random cards for the win). But go into games with the knowledge that it will feel like you are playing a different game when the Eldar’s critical dice rolls become 6’s and you’re stuck swingin in the wind, rolling randomly, and taking wounds all dang day.
What are your early games looking like out there?