MTG: More Adventures In Middle-Earth Brings Bakshi’s Hobbits To Magic
A new Secret Lair set takes the Lord of the Rings and Magic crossover into much more animated territory, with a Bakshi bonanza of LotR.
The Ralph Bakshi animated Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies were an incredible undertaking. And while the animation is both extremely “the 70s” and also extremely “Ralph Bakshi”, you probably have Down Down to Goblin Town stuck in your head with just the mention of the series.
And that’s exactly the kind of nostalgia that WotC is banking on with their Secret Lair that expands Middle-earth into Bakshi territory.
More Adventures In Middle-Earth: A Bakshi Bonanza
In far-off lands, legend tells of a powerful animator called Ralph Bakshi, whose art would come to life on a silver screen. It is said his handiwork influenced many and his talent impressed all. This set of cards celebrates his unparalleled wizardry and features art directly pulled from Bakshi’s 1978 animated classic, The Lord of the Rings. With these few cards, one might be able to conquer, or save, all of Middle-earth.
All cards are English only.
There are four Lord of the Rings MTG cards all in all. Starting with Slip On the ring, which lets you “turn invisible” by exiling a creature and returning it to the battlefield. Great way to dodge a spell or trigger ETB effects. Also just look at Frodo there.
Gandalf, Friend of the Shire is a kinder, gentler Avatar Wizard. As long as he’s not bearing the Ring, he won’t wield a terrible power, but will instead allow you to draw a card. And if it’s a Sorcery? Flash it in.
Mirror of Galadriel lets you peer into the near future. And by near-future, of course, we mean the next card you draw. The more epic heroes you have, the cheaper it gets. And having Legendary Creatures around is never a bad idea, no matter what you’re playing.
And finally, Shire Terrace lets you fix for certain colors and maintain a mana advantage, as long as you can keep the shire unsacked by Saruman.
All this in the More Adventures in Middle-earth Secret Lair!