One D&D Playtest 6 – Seven New Classes And More Available Now

The biggest Unearthed Arcana yet has hit. One D&D Playtest 6 is 77 pages, with everything from new classes to new spells and core rules.
With seven new classes (and multiple subclasses for each), One D&D Playtest 6 is the biggest playtest packet yet. In it, we get revamped versions for the Bard, Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, and Rogue. Each class has been reworked in some way. And as an added bonus, comes with multiple subclasses for each.
There are also plenty of new spells. New feats. Even new weapons and core rules to dig through. There’s a lot to digest in this one. So you may as well get started now.
One D&D Playtest 6
In this new Unearthed Arcana document for the 2024 Core Rulebooks, we explore material designed for the next version of the Player’s Handbook. This playtest document presents updated rules on seven classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, and Rogue. This document also presents multiple subclasses for each of those classes, new Spells, revisions to existing Spells and Spell Lists, and several revised Feats. You will also find an updated rules glossary that supercedes the glossary of any previous playtest document.
This playtest gathers together two different class groups, the Expert Group and the Priest Group. And this time it’s the full priest group, since we get our first look at the new Monk.
Each of the new classes incorporates multiple rounds of feedback. Some classes will see their powers moved up, across the board it seems like there’s a heavier emphasis on the early levels. Clerics, in particular, get access to some of the more unique new features at level 1. Bards get access to all the spell lists once they hit level 10.
Druids can decide whether they’re focused on spellcasting or melee. Wild Shape has been walked back from the previous version, but in the coward’s way (more on that later). Monks, in general are less ki-starved, though WotC does seem dead set on not letting them do what Rogues do for free without paying a heavy resource cost.
You can check out the full list of changes for yourself here.
The Unearthed Arcana is the biggest yet, and the survey opens on July 11th!