Star Wars: Five Things We Want From the New Rey Movie

A new movie starring Rey is coming, let’s take a look at some things we’d like to see in it.
A couple of months ago at Star Wars Celebration, Disney announced some new Star Wars movies. Among them was one featuring the return of Rey and set after the Sequel Trilogy.
Now Disney does have a habit of announcing totally imaginary Star Wars movies that never make it to production. But this time they swear it’s not going to be that way. The new Rey movie is supposed to be fairly far along in pre-production with a script in the works and stuff.
Rey Restoring the Jedi Order In The Movie
We’ve never really gotten to see the restored Jedi Order in Disney Star Wars. It was a major feature of the old Expanded Universe and is in many ways a narrative necessity. However, the failure of Luke to make it work deprived us of that. So I think it would be really great to actually get to see that process. To see the Jedi return like we were promised years ago.
Finn x Poe
In the Sequel Trilogy fan’s noticed a lot of chemistry between the characters of Finn and Poe, and many people hoped for an on-screen relationship between the two of them. The actors were even on board with this idea, playing it up in their performances and reportedly even suggesting such a thing to the powers that be.
But the idea was squashed. Star Wars, according to the people behind the scenes, just wasn’t ready for high-profile queer leads. Not only did they chose not to go in this direction, but both characters were given half-baked hints at straight romantic pairings – as if to totally quash the idea.
Well hey, a follow-up movie could be the perfect time to bring this back. Or if not Finn and Poe how about having a real and visible LGBTQIA+ couple in the new movie? Andor proved you could have queer characters in Star Wars without the world ending. Now maybe let’s build on that a little.
The Other Jedi
There is a growing number of Jedi that were active during the Age of the Rebellion and whose fate is currently unknown. Some of these, like Exra, Ahsoka Tano, and Grogu are known to have survived the fall of the Empire. However, what became of them, in the end, is unknown. They did not perish with Luke’s academy. We may learn the fate of some of them in the Disney+ shows, but it’s unlikely to touch on everyone that we want to know about. It would be pretty cool to have some show up in the new movie to help Rey out.
Show Us How the Galaxy Has Change in the Movie
The Sequel Trilogy clearly did not want to just be set in the same old familiar Star Wars planets. For the most part, it stuck to entirely original worlds and locations (even if these were often copies of old ones). However, this had the effect of making the trilogy feel somewhat disconnected from the rest of Star Wars. Like it took place entirely in some random backwater. It never really showed us how the galaxy had changed.
In fact, in many ways, it hadn’t. I’d love for the new Rey movie to take us back to some old places and show us the changes. Now, let’s avoid Tatooine because it’s overdone. But what about Naboo? We haven’t been there in decades, what’s going on there? Show us the living galaxy and how it changes.
Somehow Palpatine Re-Returned Again in This Movie
Ok, let’s do this one last time, for real this time. But like, let’s just have Palpatine return, somehow. What a ballsy move it would be. After all, you can’t have a Star Wars movie without the Emperor as a bad guy. And he came back once, could he really not do it again? Now, I’m not saying he should be the villain of the movie.
No, I’m just saying bring him back. The movie opens with a mysteriously returned Palpatine plotting with some more goons. Then bam! The blast door gets kicked in and in storms Rey Skywalker and a new Order of Jedi, to kill off the threat. That’s right, old Palpatine is a joke now, he’s just the opening act, then we get into the real movie. Now that’s Hollywood!
Let us know what you want to see in the new movie, down in the comments!