Star Wars: Legion Organized Play Sets Up A Wild Ride

Atomic Mass Games has a new Organized Play Kit coming for Star Wars: Legion this summer. Paploo’s Wild Ride is gonna be nuts.
If you’ve been wanting more Star Wars: Legion in your life AMG has been pushing out updates lately. Not only did they publish new points updates, a new rulebook update, errata, and Blizzard Force Documents, they’ve also announced the new summer OP kit!
via Atomic Mass Games (Facebook)
In the Paploo’s Wild Ride Organized Play Kit for STAR WARS: Legion, players contend with an Ewok engaging in grand theft speederbike and causing chaos across the battlefield. Learn more about this OP kit hitting your LGS this summer:
Paploo’s Wild Ride – Star Wars: Legion Summer OP Kit
Yep! Get ready for some Ewok hijinks with this new OP Kit. How will this work? We’ve got a breakdown of this very important moment in the Star Wars canon.
“In this scenario, a Paploo token begins the game in the center of the battlefield facing a table edge that does not belong to either player. As players battle according to the objective card chosen for the game, they’ll also be faced with Paploo piloting his stolen speeder bike around the battlefield. The speeder bike controls weren’t engineered with Ewoks in mind, however, so his path can be a bit erratic.”
Using the Black attack dice at the beginning of each round determines what Paploo will do. This might cause him to drive around or even fire the blaster at a target at range 1. Players are encouraged to stop him by moving a trooper unit’s leader into base-to-base with him. In doing so you can attempt an action to stop Paploo. That unit can then claim that token. If you control the token by the end of the game you’ll score 2 VPs.
“The Paploo’s Wild Ride Organized Play Kit is intended as a one-day casual play event at local game stores and is not for resale. Participants will receive all the materials needed to play the scenario, including the scenario cards and a punch sheet containing the Paploo token and other tokens needed to play, allowing them to replay the scenario with friends after the event. Additionally, all participants will receive a set of promo full-art command cards featuring Ewoks. “
This actually sounds like a nice casual event and it can be run by local stores hosting the event relatively simply. Plus, those promo cards look kind of neat, too. If you want to get in on the action be sure to tell your FLGS that you want to participate. They can order the kit through their standard distribution channels.
This Ewok gets around the moon of Endor by Grand Theft Auto rules!