Star Wars: Shatterpoint, Leviathan Pre-Orders, D&D Magic Armor – Weekend Rewind

Dive into this weekend’s hottest news – get ready for 10th Edition, check out what’s new for board games, and do a deep dive into Dune’s Guild Heighliner.
Goatboy’s 40K List Thoughts: 10th Edition Means Tackling Your Pile Of Shame
Goatboy here with some thoughts on what to do with your Pile of Shame when building your army for 10th Edition.
D&D: Five Magic Armors Fancy Enough For Fan Art
Magic armor might have powerful defensive bonuses, but what good is it if it doesn’t look cool? These five magic armors have that baked in.
Warhammer 40K: Missing Units From The Space Marine Index
There’s missing units in the Space Marine Index. We busted out our 9th Edition Codex to double check!
Games Workshop Pre-Orders: Pricing & Links – Leviathan Weekend
Warhammer 40,000: Leviathan probably won’t be available by the time you check this out. Hope you got your FLGS pre-order in.
The Best Ship For Shipping Ships That Themselves Ship Ships – ‘Dune’s Guild Heighliner Breakdown
The Spacing Guild maintains a monopoly on all interstellar travel in the known universe. At the heart of their power? The Guild Heighliner.
Shattered Points and Shattered Hearts || Tabletop Spotlight
This week is all about repairing. Points and hearts have been shattered, planets have been polluted, and galaxies need to be sorted!