This Mystique Transformation Cosplay is Astonishing!
The perfect balance of male and female shapeshifts with this transformative Mystique transformation cosplay, Bub!
There’s something wonderful and freeing about blurring the lines between male and female, and the easily quantifiable. For those who find beauty in the contrasts, cosplaying transformational characters holds a lot of power. We’ve featured Mystique before, but this artistic spirit has changed the whole game- with a beautiful mid-transformation version of Mystique and Wolverine!
Cosplaying is challenging enough on its own, but finding unique ways to blend two separate characters together is next-level. This cosplayer specializes in fluid lines between genders and characters. With this Mystique and Wolverine cosplay, this crossplayer has truly outdone themselves. Behold the magical transformation of Mystique!
My cosplay is all about transformation and shapeshifting into different characters, regardless of gender. With this in mind, what better way to represent my cosplay than Mystique? Mystique is a mutant shapeshifter with the ability to change her appearance and assume the form of other humans. I chose to cosplay “Mystique mid-transformation into Wolverine” emphasizing the assymtry of male and female form in one body. I love the juxtaposition of Wolverine’s masculinity with the beard, brawny arms and chest over Mystique’s curvy feminine form.
Mystique Mid-Transformation Cosplay with permission by Francsterling
In this cosplay, I combined two bodysuits; cut and stitched together to turn into one piece. I added some padding in the muscles to accentuate the shapes. Where the two suits merge is lined with blue and gold sequins to create that seamless transition. The Wolverine side is wearing a boot with extra 2 inches wedged inside while the Mystique side is almost barefoot. The height difference makes me walk unevenly, almost tiptoeing, which adds distinctiveness between the two characters.
I have received amazing responses about this cosplay which i appreciate so much, especially from those who know Mystique. But what stood out for me is the confusion whether is it a male or female cosplayer behind this costume – this always makes me smile.
AdvertisementMystique mid-transformation cosplay has been done numerous times before, but this is my own take and I’m very proud of it.
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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