Warhammer 40K: 10th Ed Titan Rules Preview – God-Machines

Games Workshop shows off how those massive warmachines known as Titans will work in Warhammer 40,000: 10th Edition.
Every now and then it’s nice to get a little crazy in Warhammer 40,000. That’s when it’s time to bust out the Titans and do things like…see how many Gretchin it takes to kill a Warlord Titan. But seriously, if you enjoy busting out the big boys you’ll still be able to do that in 10th. Let’s see how these God-Machines will bring the pain on the tabletop.
Titans are the largest and most powerful units in all of Warhammer 40,000, and each one inspires awe in all who behold them. Though rarely seen on all but the largest battlefields, they make a splash wherever they show up, and it’s a foolish faction who doesn’t have a way to deal with them – whether with enormous titan-slaying weapons, or towering monstrosities of their own.
Titan Faction Rules
Army Rule – Adeptus Titanicus (Support or Traitoris)
If you play Imperium armies you can take Adeptus Titanicus keyword models. And if you play chaos, you just swap Imperium out for Chaos and you’re ready to roll!
There’s not a ton of other rules to note. However, GW did show off quite a few of these massive kit’s datacards. So it’s time to behold these behemoths!
Unit – Warlord Titan
So this is probably the biggest unit/single model in the game. It’s a Warlord Titan and if you have one on the tabletop I salute you for your sheer craziness. Anyhow, I don’t really think there’s too much to say beyond “Omg 100 wounds!?” We now have a pretty good idea of what the “top end” of toughness in 40k is…at least for a Titan. Just take in that crazy stat-line and all those insane weapons.
Unit – Phantom Titan
Here’s the Phantom Titan and it’s “smaller” with “only” 55 wounds. Still, it’s got a 2+/4++ (against ranged attacks). It’s still a freakin’ Titan. It’s ranged weapons aren’t quite as crazy as a Warlord but I’d still prefer to not be targeted by this Titan’s ire.
Unit – Hierophant
Is it weird to see the Hierophant and think “eh, that’s pretty tame.” Maybe GW shouldn’t have started with the Warlord Titan. Anyhow, the Hierophant is still beefy at least. But when you’re playing with Titans it’s one of the little guys…which is kind of funny to think about.
Unit – Gargantuan Squiggoth
The Gargantuan Squiggoth is more in line with the Hierophant in terms of wound counts. The irony of this being a “little guy” isn’t lost on us. Then again, in a “normal” game of 40k this thing is a complete monster. Also, who doesn’t love a Firing Deck of 20?!
Unit – Manta
The Manta is the biggest flyer from Forge World and it’s also one of (if not the biggest) model by width (and maybe volume). It’s “only” got 60 wounds but it’s a freakin’ flyer. Also it hasn’t really lost out on that Transport Capacity, has it!? The crazy part is giving this unit a wide berth isn’t going to keep you safe from the ranges of it’s weapons, either.
Titans (and their “smaller” brothers) are silly. If you’re playing with them you know exactly what you’re in for. Have fun out there!
Oh Titans…you so crazy.