Warhammer 40K: All-New App Now Available

Games Workshop has released a brand new Warhammer 40,000 App and it’s already got the army builder included.
Well this is a bit of a good surprise. Games Workshop has released a new Warhammer 40,000 App that’s out for free. It’s got an army builder included and it looks to do a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to list creation.
“This app is designed to work hand-in-hand with the new edition of Warhammer 40,000, providing an easy-to-use army planner called Battle Forge. This will provide datasheets that are updated as they change, and a quick rules reference section.
Battle Forge lets you create armies for three game sizes: Incursion, Strike Force, and Onslaught (1,000, 2,000, and 3,000 points respectively). Although it’s now easier than ever to put together an army, Battle Forge will automatically flag any mistakes you’ve made such as incorrect loadouts or choices. You’ll also be able to export your lists to share with your friends or submit to events prior to competing.”
Warhammer 40,000: The App (Again)
Download the App from the App Store Here
Download the App from Google Play Here
This isn’t the first App that Games Workshop has put together for Warhammer 40,000. However this version as a launch product does a lot of what folks wanted the first go around. It’s got a built in army builder called Battle Forge that allows you to create lists. More importantly this tool also checks to make sure your options are valid by flagging any mistakes so you can fix them. That’s a huge step forward (relative to the old apps).
Additionally, this App also allows you to look up datasheets for all the various Indexes and Combat Patrols at launch. There’s also Core Rule access and a quick reference that “covers key terms, army rules, Enhancements, and Stratagems” — which sure sounds like everything covered to me. The only thing the App won’t have is a mission. Which the Core Rules have one but you can use either the Crusade Rules or the Chapter Approved Leviathan Deck to start.
Future Codexes?
First up, yes, GW did also confirm there will be future codexes coming and when they do arrive, just like previously, you’ll be able to activate them in the App with the code in the books for the App.
“When a Codex releases, you’ll be able to input a unique code printed in the book to unlock its content on the app, and instantly be able to access new detachment rules at a touch.”
So that part is still going to function like the old App. And speaking of the Old App that’s not going away quite yet. According to GW:
“…it has been marked as “old” on the App Store and Google Play to avoid confusion.. The ‘old’ app will remain active so you can keep accessing the content that you unlocked within it, or for those that still want to enjoy a last few games of the previous edition.”
Having used the previous App and also the AoS version of this App it sure seems like GW learned a few things for this one. It’s good to see them iterate on the previous version and it’s better to see them launch the App with the army building tool ready to go. Let’s hope they got this one right.
Download the App and give it a go — it’s free and you can use it to start playing 40k today!