Warhammer 40K: Leviathan Space Marines – Upclose With The New Miniatures

We’re taking a closer look at the Space Marines in the Leviathan boxed set along with Goatboy’s thoughts on the minis.
Yesterday we talked about the Tyranids and today we’re tackling the Space Marines in Leviathan. Thomas akak Goatboy painted the miniatures and shares his thoughts in the video below.
Leviathan Space Marines
There’s a couple of standouts in the miniatures for the Space Marines from Leviathan for sure. The Terminator Captain is really impressive and so is the new sculpt for the Terminator Librarian. The Ballistus Dreadnought is also large and in charge. The Terminator Squad is a nice upgrade to the previous models in terms of size as well.
Download the Space Marine Datasheets Here
But let’s not overlook the other units in the box. The Apothecary Biologis adds a nice boost to a unit he’s leading. The Lieutenant is another great support piece and and really gives off Rambo-vibes based on the model (and the rules help support that style of play). The Sternguard are cool looking even if their weapon rules are a bit of a let down. And then finally there’s the Infernus Squad. These Pyreblaster wielding marines are going to be the bane of lightly armored mass infantry squads. They are the perfect counter to Termagant swarms.
Now, in terms of building all these models they are indeed push-fit. Unless you really want to exercise your hobby skills they can only be assembled one way. We have already seen some sweet conversions for the miniatures in the box but those are the exceptions and not the norm.
These models are all a good addition to the Space Marine line. My only complaint about them is more a question of “did we really need more models added to the Space Marine line?” I mean, I get it…and this is a new launch box for Warhammer 40,000 so of course Space Marines are getting new models. The nice thing about all these new models is that there are a handful of units in this box that are replacing old units with “glow-ups” so that’s a plus. There’s really only 3 completely new units for the Space Marines. Then again, it’s a new edition so all the rules are new anyhow. Maybe now is the perfect time for new units to be added.
The Core Rules are out now and if you want to learn how to play 10th Edition we’ve got you covered there, too.
Leviathan Pre-orders kick off this weekend!