Warhammer 40K: GW’s First Space Marines – 1987’s RTB01 Set

We are going back over three decades of Warhammer 40K to the very first plastic Space Marines – the legendary RTB01 kit!
It was September 1987, and White Dwarf 93 was debuting an all-new game called Warhammer 40,000 and an all-new set of plastic miniatures called Imperial Space Marines. Little did GW know the hit they had on their hands. What a time to be alive!
With Space Marines being everyone’s 40K favorites (don’t be shy, we KNOW you have some), we figured it was a great time to go back to the beginning and see where the plastic Adeptus Astartes got their start. First stop, the box:
The RTB01 Box
Ahh, the Crimson Fists star in the image that defined the Marines. It was used not only here, but on the cover of Rogue Trader itself. But what exactly is within this mighty box:
In 1988 Jes Goodwin, Aly Morrison and Bob Naismith produced a set of miniatures that catapulted, then small Games Workshop into the Grimdark and defined the iconic Space Marines for the world everafter. The box contained 17 sprues:
15: Total of Sprue A & C
2: Sprue B
Note those sprues gave you 2 marines each at the cost of 60p!
Yes, your eyes are not deceiving you – £9.99 got you 30 plastic Space Marines! Now feast your eyes on the sprues. The Missile Launchers, the Mk VI Corvus suits (the “classic marine Mk.VII Marine, came way later, and Primaris… what the heck is that?), the funky flamers, the bayonets (including chain bayonets) everywhere, the riveted shoulder pads, and all the little pouches and bits to glue on. Rogue Trader gamers were in hog heaven!
Onto the RTB01 Sprues
SPRUE A: The ranged combat sprue. Note the plethora of belt-mounted do-dads like holstered pistols (of whatever type you said they were), knives, bayonets and my favorite – the CHAINSAW BAYONET!
SPRUE B: If you are a grizzled veteran – there is only one REAL Marine missile launcher and it looks like that! This would be reinvented decades later with the plastic Mk.IV Maximus sprues, but this is the original. Note the missile ammo clips to glue to your heavy weapons trooper. The big fashion choice is missle ammo clips on the legs, or around the belt?
SPRUE C: The close combat sprue. This one gave you bolt pistols and clenched FISTS! Because back in the day, your RTB01 Adeptus Astartes walked right up to Space Orks and Space Elves and Space Dwarfs and you PUNCHED THEM IN THE FACE! None of this fancy power sword nonsense. You also got loose bolters to accessorize your plastic dudesmen.
‘Eavy Metal RTB01
Here we see some examples of the RTB01 Marines painted up in that very same White Dwarf 93 by John Blanche himself. These may be the “original” Blood Angel, Dark Angel, and Silver Skulls minis to appear in a White Dwarf ever.
Two Decades Later – an RTB01 Homage
Now fast forward 28 years. In 2015 we received sprues of plastic Horus Heresy Mk.IV Space Marines. While there are certainly a bunch of differences, There are enough similarities that the new model kit is considered the spiritual successors to that original RTB01 kit, all gussied up for a new generation of eager Grimdark gamers. From the missile launchers to the Mk IV armor, to the flamers, to the pouches, the bayonets, riveted shoulder pads, the command figures – it’s all there. Plus with modern technology, we get the meltas, the combis, and more close combat options.
Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness – RTB01 Reborn!
Fast forward another 7 years to 2022, and the launch of the all new Horus Heresy Age of Darkness. At long last the circle was complete. It took 35 years, but a bigger, modern technology Mk.VI Corvus armor kit has returned! The new Age of Darkness Mk.VI marines got everything from the original RTB01, from the bolters (right down to the chain bayonets!) to the studded pauldrons, to holsters and equipment pouches. So dive in, have fun and maybe, just maybe add a little old school charm to yours from this original 1987 Marine Chapter guide.
You can still see the original RTB01 kits on eBay – but they aren’t cheap. Do any of you have of these still rocking the tabletop?