Warhammer Preview Online: Predictions And Wishlisting
With the Not Warhammer 40,000 Preview Online coming this Saturday we got our wishlist out. Here’s what we’re hoping to see!
Games Workshop announced there is another Preview Online coming. And we even know the topics that will be discussed. The BIG news is that they aren’t going to show off any Warhammer 40,000 stuff. That said I wouldn’t be shocked if we get at least one 40k teaser video at the very end of the stream. Anyhow, here’s our list of things we hope to see from the upcoming preview.
Age of Sigmar
We did get a Road Map for AoS in 2023. We’re expecting to get a lot more Cities of Sigmar reveals this weekend as well as some nods to what the next few Dawnbringers books will be. There’s also a possible new battletome or something planned for winter. Expect a lot of models and new book reveals this Saturday!
Warhammer: The Horus Heresy
Remember that teaser video? The one that had the Epic-like unit structure? Well, we might get some more on that front. Or we’re going to see a lot more formerly Forge World Kits get some plasticĀ revamps. Either option is good in my book! Or both. Both would be the best!
Warhammer: Warcry
We just got the new Starter Set that was Nightmare Quest, right? Well next up would be 4 new warbands and it looks like they will be focusing on Order vs Destruction. I’m guessing two of each.
There’s a lot of wiggle room for what those Warbands could be so we’re not going to speculate on them. But we are expecting those to make an appearance on Saturday. Hooray for new models!
Warhammer: Underworlds
Seeing how GW is probably teasing the Autumn releases it’s laid out in the Road Map pretty clear. Expect more Rivals Decks (which I think we haven’t gotten all of them from this Summer yet…) as well as a New Chaos Warband and the possible teaser for a new Core Box with two new Warbands, too!
Warhammer: The Old World
This one is a “take your pick” style teaser. Really ANYTHING they show us from the Old World is going to make a splash. We’ve seen some Bretonnians and Tomb King kits already. Are we going to get more updates from the Map? Are we going to get more model updates? What about the ruleset? We’re just as curious about those things as everyone else. Now that we know the base sizes are going up it’s kind of a wide open world and any news is good news from the Old World.
Personally, I’d like to see some more models from the various factions. Also, what about a Starter Set?! How long until this game comes out? We all want to know!
We don’t know for sure but expect a TON of new models to be show off Saturday. I’m gonna say it’s a coin flip on if we see a 40k teaser video at the end, too.