Aeronautica Imperialis Miniatures Are Going ‘Last Chance To Buy’

This probably won’t be a huge shock to folks but many of the Aeronautica Imperialis Miniatures are going to ‘Last Chance To Buy’ territory.
Games Workshop is shifting their Epic Scale miniature focus back to the Horus Heresy with Legions Imperialis. As mentioned in a previous article, when you look at the facts, it makes sense why they are focusing on the Horus Heresy again. However, that does mean a shift in resources (like production) and it also means something is getting cut. And if you thought I was just pulling that out of a hat (or some other orifice) well here’s the proof directly from Games Workshop:
via Warhammer Community
Yep, it’s right there in the first sentence:
With the looming arrival of Legions Imperialis, you might notice that some of the older range of epic scale Aeronautica Imperialis miniatures are moving to Last Chance To Buy.
And which of those miniatures are getting put on ice? Why it’s the xenos range of aircraft of course! There’s also a few Imperial planes that are getting grounded (ie, the non-Heresy Era miniatures). These miniatures are heading to the ‘Last Chance To Buy’ section on GW’s webpage:
So you might want to consider this a warning/PSA. If you want any of the xenos planes or have been thinking about ordering up some of these flyers you might want to make that move a whole lot faster. Who knows how long GW is going to sit on these miniatures before they become available again (if they do).
There is some slightly good news in that if you want to play Horus Heresy: Aeronautica Imperialis you will still be able to do so. And all those models will still be around for both HH:AI and also Legions Imperialis.
Sorry to all the fans of Aeronautica Imperialis. Hopefully you’ve got all the models and rules you’ll need to keep flying those not-so-friendly skies.