Craft Unique Monsters and Adventures With New ‘Critical Role’ Multi-Part Minis

Bring the characters, monsters, and scenery from the Critical Role universe to your table with new customizable minis.
Critical Role, if you haven’t heard of them has a very popular YouTube Channel, among many other things. Some of their creatures and characters are already available as miniatures in other lines by WizKids. The Frameworks line of miniatures is a premium line of figures that you get to build off the sprue. They come unpainted, but with plenty of options. We are going to go through some of those options in this post today.
This is the WizKids’ Frameworks Cyclops Stormcaller. Again, it is the first Frameworks miniature based on Critical Role’s adventures. This is a beginner level model, and let’s take a look at what is in the box.

What’s Inside the Cyclops Stormcaller Box?
Inside the box, you find instructions, two bases and two sprues. One sprue is clear, and the other grey. let me give you a closer look of them.

You can see on this grey frame some arm options, one of the two bases, and the parts of the torso and legs.

Here we have the clear plastic sprue. On there, you see some a spell effect and a number of plastic arms.
A Closer Look at Some of the Bits
Using these two sprues you can build the miniatures in four different ways. Let me show you what there is for arms.
Ice spear and spell casting hand…

Electrical spell effects arms…

Ice claws – so cool!

A two handed club. That club looks really good on the model.

There are also extras in the box like this giant spell effect.

If you want to see these arms on the miniatures or look at more of the extras that come in the Frameworks Cyclops Stormcaller, check out the longer review on my personal site.
The Video Review
The Finished Model
Below are some images of the finished model.

The owl above is an option. I placed it there to see how it would fit. It can actually sit on his shoulder easily without having to glue it on. Neat.
Wrapping it up…
Overall, I enjoyed building this model and it is on the easier side of builds. Earlier I check out a Frameworks D&D Goliath miniature. You can find that review here. Thanks goes out to WizKids for sending me this miniature for review purposes.
Until next time, Happy Gaming, Everyone!!!
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Must Contain Minis is my reviews, showcases, and battle reports website, where I look at a wide variety of miniatures games and related products. I like to focus mainly on indie and historical games. If you haven’t visited for a while, come on over and check the site out! You can also follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Thanks again for reading!!!