D&D: That’s A Mindflayer Giant Lurking in ‘Glory of the Giants’

A new first-look video shows off some of the new giants in Glory of the Giants–including a Mind Flayer Giant.
And you thought regular-sized Mind Flayers were a problem. A new video from the D&D team showcases some of the latest and newest monsters in the upcoming Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants. And among them are two terrifying new enemies.
Including a Giant who is undergoing transformation into a Mind Flayer. All of which goes to show just how monstrous the world can get when you unleash the manual. What else is inside? Let’s take a look!
Glory of the Giants First Look – Mind Flayer Giants and Other Terrors
In the upcoming Glory of the Giants, we’ll find giants of all shapes and, well, not sizes (they’re all, you know, big). But there are many types. New monsters make up more than a third of the book. This means there’s stuff like this:
That is a Mind Flayer Ettin. Which is just awful to think about. But you can see how the eldritch transformation has taken root, not just in the people’s pallor, but both heads have been transformed. Although, as you can see, one of the heads is fused into the torso.
It’s barely growing out of the skin. The other one seems to have taken primacy. Perhaps it takes two tadpoles. Or just one, and that’s why the second head is fused. But there are other creepy giants too!
This is an eldritch giant that has either bargained with a fiendish patron for power, like one of the elemental evils and become…transformed.
And then there’s the Death Guant. Who has a scythe and looks ominous. But even non-giants get a giant upgrade. There are giant oxen (Babe would be proud), giant geese. And of course, a giant dinosaur, which seems like an unnecessary thing, like saying PIN Number, but, well, take a look:
There’s a lot to look forward to in Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants