Games Workshop Pre-Orders: ‘Pricing & Links’ Dawnbringers Weekend

The Dawnbringers Book 1: Harbingers is out along with some new Regiments of Renown up for pre-order this weekend.
via Games Workshop
Dawnbringers: Book I – Harbingers (Limited Edition) $80
This limited edition of Dawnbringers: Book I – Harbingers sets the tone you can expect of the entire series, including a black ribbon bookmark, soft-touch lamination on the cover with gloss and gold foil details, and gold gilt page edges. It’s strictly limited to 500 individually-numbered copies, only available while stocks last.
This expansion contains a one-use code to add the book to your digital library in Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App.
This book includes an envelope containing 4x warscroll cards, one for each Harbinger – the Grimhold Exile, Marrowscroll Herald, Harbinger of Decay, and Rabble-Rowza.
Dawnbringers: Book I – Harbingers $40
The Dawnbringer Crusades – grand wars to reclaim land under the shadow of Chaos – have struck out across the realms, driven by the resolve of humble folk and the command of the God-King. As the Era of the Beast rages, the lords of Hammerhal prepare a crusade of staggering vision. Yet beyond their walls, champions and instigators rally their legions, while in the corridors of power, corruption festers.
A rain of despair spreads across the Mortal Realms, and even as Sigmar’s worshippers begin their grand muster to quell this sinister phenomenon, the heralds of other powers take up their blades… The drums of war beat on, but will the Twin-Tailed Crusade falter before it begins?
Harbingers is the first chapter of Dawnbringers, an epic new series of books driving forward the narrative for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. You’ll find loads of riveting background material detailing the coming Twin-Tailed Crusade that aims to reconquer both Aqshy and Ghyran, the Realms of Fire and Life, as well as the Harbingers of Order, Chaos, Death, and Destruction who herald its victory or doom. The book also includes a Path to Glory battlepack for waging narrative war across lands ridden with upheaval, plus four new Regiments of Renown.
Inside this 80-page hardback book you’ll find:
– An exciting narrative that spans both Aqshy and Ghyran, commencing the story of the Twin-Tailed Crusade – and the Plague of Doubt that may destroy it before it begins
– Background information concerning four powerful Harbingers: the Grimhold Exile, Marrowscroll Herald, Harbinger of Decay and Rabble-Rowza
– A stunning showcase of miniatures depicting the Harbingers and their followers waging war throughout the narrative
– Harbinger Path to Glory Battlepack – six battleplans, rules for establishing communication outposts to request aid from allies, and quests and upgrades for your Harbingers
– Four Regiments of Renown, each based around one of the Harbingers, including background material, a full set of warscrolls, and pitched battle profiles
This expansion contains a one-use code to add the book to your digital library in Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App.
This book includes an envelope containing 4x warscroll cards, one for each Harbinger – the Grimhold Exile, Marrowscroll Herald, Harbinger of Decay, and Rabble-Rowza.
Dawnbringers: Maggotkin of Nurgle – Phulgoth’s Shudderhood $130
The Harbingers of Decay trot into battle atop vile steeds more dead than alive. These morbid prophets draw the gaze of Nurgle himself, and where they ride, the Plague God’s sinister will is soon made manifest. Rarely do they travel alone, often guarded by a small but zealous band of zealous mortal followers of Nurgle.
This Regiment of Renown is led by a Harbinger of Decay – a pestilent Hero available for the first time in this box – accompanied by Putrid Blightkings and Pusgoyle Blightlords. The box contains all the models you need to field Phulgoth’s Shudderhood, whose Regiment of Renown rules and warscrolls are found in Dawnbringers: Harbingers. It’s also an excellent way to bolster your existing Maggotkin of Nurgle collection and save money compared to buying the individual kits.
This set contains:
– 1x Harbinger of Decay
– 2x Pusgoyle Blightlords, one of which can alternatively be built as a Lord of Afflictions
– 5x Putrid Blightkings
The miniatures in this set are supplied with the appropriate bases and come unassembled and unpainted – we recommended using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
If your army has a Chaos general but is not a Maggotkin of Nurgle army, you can include this Regiment of Renown – even if its points value exceeds the amount allowed for allied units. Alternatively, the models in this kit can also fulfil their standard battlefield roles in a Maggotkin of Nurgle army, but will not benefit from the Regiment of Renown rules.
Dawnbringers: Fyreslayers – Fjori’s Flamebearers $130
Grimhold Exiles are the survivors of fallen magmaholds, warriors who fight to honour their lost kin with each blazing hammer-strike. So inspiring and tragic are these individuals, they are often accompanied by a band of dedicated warriors from other magmaholds who proudly follow them into battle.
This Regiment of Renown is led by a Grimhold Exile – a doughty Hero available for the first time in this box – accompanied by Hearthguard Berzerkers, Auric Hearthguard, and Vulkite Berzerkers. The box contains all the models you need to field Fjori’s Flamebearers, whose Regiment of Renown rules and warscrolls are found in Dawnbringers: Harbingers. It’s also an excellent way to bolster your existing Fyreslayers collection and save money compared to buying the individual kits.
This set contains:
– 1x Grimhold Exile
– 5x Auric Hearthguard, which can alternatively be built as Hearthguard Berzerkers
– 5x Hearthguard Berzerkers, which can alternatively be built as Auric Hearthguard
– 10x Vulkite Berzerkers
The miniatures in this set are supplied with the appropriate bases and come unassembled and unpainted – we recommended using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
If your army has an Order general but is not a Fyreslayers army, you can include this Regiment of Renown – even if its points value exceeds the amount allowed for allied units. Alternatively, the models in this kit can also fulfil their standard battlefield roles in a Fyreslayers army, but will not benefit from the Regiment of Renown rules.
Dawnbringers: Gloomspite Gitz – Braggit’s Bottle-snatchaz $130
Bellowing ‘wakey-wakey’ at deafening volume, Rabble-Rowzas take it upon themselves to rile up the subterranean hordes. So grating are their magically enhanced voices that they can stir even the most stubborn trogg-titans and squiggly beasts from their slumber. When they arrive at a battle, they’re often surrounded by a medley of cranky squigs and mushroom-addled grots.
This Regiment of Renown is led by a Rabble-Rowza – a riotous Hero available for the first time in this box – accompanied by Squig Hoppers, a Squig Herd, and a full Gobbapalooza. The box contains all the models you need to field Braggit’s Bottle-Snatchaz, whose Regiment of Renown rules and warscrolls are found in Dawnbringers: Harbingers. It’s also an excellent way to bolster your existing Gloomspite Gitz collection and save money compared to buying the individual kits.
This set contains:
– 1x Rabble-Rowza
– 5x Gobbapalooza
– 10x Squig Hoppers, which can alternatively be built as Boingrot Bounderz
– 10x Cave Squigs, accompanied by 2x Squig Herders
The miniatures in this set are supplied with the appropriate bases and come unassembled and unpainted – we recommended using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
If your army has a Destruction general but is not a Gloomspite Gitz army, you can include this Regiment of Renown – even if its points value exceeds the amount allowed for allied units. Alternatively, the models in this kit can also fulfil their standard battlefield roles in a Gloomspite Gitz army, but will not benefit from the Regiment of Renown rules.
Dawnbringers: Flesh-eater Courts – Jerrion’s Delegation $130
Marrowscroll Heralds are senior delegates of their vampiric masters, sent to deliver entreaties – in the form of bloodied offerings and infectious madness – to the leaders of other nations and enlist their aid in the name of a “noble” cause. To lend legitimacy and ceremony, they often march at the head of a coterie of loyal warriors – or rather, a pack of slavering ghouls.
This Regiment of Renown is led by a Marrowscroll Herald – a sinister Hero available for the first time in this box – accompanied by Crypt Ghouls, Crypt Horrors, and Crypt Flayers. The box contains all the models you need to field Jerrion’s Delegation, whose Regiment of Renown rules and warscrolls are found in Dawnbringers: Harbingers. It’s also an excellent way to bolster your existing Flesh-eater Courts collection and save money compared to buying the individual kits.
This set contains:
– 1x Marrowscroll Herald
– 3x Crypt Flayers, which can alternatively be built as Crypt Horrors or Vargheists
– 3x Crypt Horrors, which can alternatively be built as Crypt Flayers or Vargheists
– 20x Crypt Ghouls
The miniatures in this set are supplied with the appropriate bases and come unassembled and unpainted – we recommended using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
If your army has a Death general but is not a Flesh-eater Courts army, you can include this Regiment of Renown – even if its points value exceeds the amount allowed for allied units. Alternatively, the models in this kit can also fulfil their standard battlefield roles in a Flesh-eater Courts army, but will not benefit from the Regiment of Renown rules.
General’s Handbook: Pitched Battles 2023-24 $50
The 2023-24 season of Warhammer Age of Sigmar brings a full 12 months of battles to Andtor, the Bitter Land – a continent shuddering under the Everwinter, desperate to escape the clutches of its glacial neighbour. Here, primal magic runs wild, and those who can harness it will find survival and success on the battlefield.
This essential supplement gives you a fresh set of ways to enjoy matched play and competitive games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Inside its pages you’ll find unique realm rules for waging war in the harsh environs of Andtor, as well as core battalions, enhancements, grand strategies, and battle tactics usable by every faction, plus a selection of new battleplans designed for this competitive season of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.
Inside this 96-page ringbound book, you’ll find:
– Background material reveals the frostbitten history and current plight of a barren, ice-shattered continent in Ghur – Andtor, the Bitter Land
– The newest Pitched Battles battlepack, which you’ll need in order to fight Pitched Battles in the current tournament season. This includes the current army selection rules, an introduction to the Battle Ready standard of painting, and a complete list of official publications for use in Pitched Battles
– New realm rules for fighting in the icy tracts of Andtor, where arcane power holds the chill at bay – including rules for calling on primal magic, wielding the new Lore of Primal Frost, and donning Nullstone Adornments for armies without wizards
– Two new core battalions and a host of enhancements to help you wage war in the frozen landscape
– 12 new battleplans, along with six grand strategies and eight battle tactics, offering new ways to claim victory in this season of Pitched Battles
– Updated warscrolls for each of the universal Endless Spells
– A blank tournament scoring sheet for you to photocopy and use
– The Warhammer Age of Sigmar Core Rules – reprinted here for you to reference, including a rules index
The ring-bound General’s Handbook and layout of the battleplans have been designed so that the book can be folded flat to save space, while still providing an overview of the essential information to easily reference once the game has begun.
This book also comes with a card token board, which contains 14 double-sided tokens to use as objective markers and reference your battle tactics.
Blood Bowl: Gutter Bowl $60
Gutter Bowl is an exciting expansion to Blood Bowl that takes the action off the professional pitch – and into the streets and sewers of the Old World! You’ll coach a team of enthusiastic – if inexperienced – players as they settle their differences in brutal street sports. What Gutter Bowl lacks in showmanship, sponsorships, and sporting competence compared to its big brother, Blood Bowl, it more than makes up for in violence and near-complete disregard for the rules!
Join the fast-paced tactical fantasy football game in a new urban setting, as your amateur players weave between obstacles, beat up opponents, and score those all-important touchdowns. This expansion includes a double-sided Gutter Bowl pitch – one side depicting a crowded marketplace packed with stalls, the other depicting a foul sewer – as well as a pair of matching double-sided dugouts. There’s also rulebook featuring the gritty backstreets history of Gutter Bowl, plus new rules for playing games and leagues on (and underneath) the mean streets of the Old World.
This set contains:
– 1x 36-page Blood Bowl: Gutter Bowl rulebook
– 1x Double-sided fold-out Gutter Bowl pitch
– 2x Matching double-sided dugouts
You will need a copy of Blood Bowl – The Official Rules to play Gutter Bowl.
Underworld Denizens Blood Bowl Team – The Underworld Creepers $50
Mixed teams are found throughout the Blood Bowl leagues, uniting players from a variety of races and cultures on the pitch. Underworld Denizens teams recruit from the dank caves and foul sewers that lurk beneath the surface, bringing Goblins and Skaven together in a cocktail of fur, fungus, and foul play. Widely despised for their literally low-down tactics, teams like the Underworld Creepers truly represent the worst of both worlds.
On the pitch, Underworlds Denizens teams employ a dizzying variety of sneaky tactics and cunning plays to compensate for their small size and keep rivals on their toes – as you’d expect from a team of Goblins and Skaven. If you’re eager to discover fresh tactics and plays, have fun forming a winning combination of players, and backstab absolutely everyone you meet, the Underworld Denizens are for you.
This multipart plastic kit builds an Underworld Denizens team of 12 players for games of Blood Bowl. Using components from the existing Goblin and Skaven team sets, you’ll be able to build 6 Goblin Linemen, 3 Skaven Clanrats, 1 Skaven Blitzer, 1 Skaven Thrower, and 1 Skaven Gutter Runner. Some of these players include cosmetic options such as different heads to help you customise your own team. The box also includes six balls, two double-sided Blood Bowl coins, and two turn markers – split evenly between Skaven and Goblin designs – and a sheet of Underworld Denizens transfers with team logos, numbers, and positionals.
This kit comprises 50 plastic components, and comes with 14x Citadel 32mm Round Bases as well as an Underworld Denizens Transfer Sheet. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
The rules to use Underworld Denizens teams in your games of Blood Bowl can be found in Blood Bowl – The Official Rules.
Old World Alliance Blood Bowl Team – The Middenheim Maulers $50
Mixed teams are found throughout the Blood Bowl leagues, uniting players from a variety of races and cultures on the pitch. Old World Alliance teams like the Middenheim Maulers are drawn from great cities across the Empire, Estalia, Kislev, and beyond. These bustling streets are packed with cosmopolitan Humans, Dwarfs, and Halflings, ready to be forged into winning teams that are greater than the sum of their parts.
Old World Alliance teams boast a flexible roster of Humans, Dwarfs, and Halflings. Each of these groups brings their own innate talents to the pitch – Human flexibility, Dwarfen toughness, and Halfling, er… greasy slipperiness? Cooking skills? If you’re looking to cover classic weaknesses, discover new tactical opportunities, and face fresh challenges of co-operation, look no further than the Old World Alliance.
This multipart plastic kit builds an Old World Alliance team of 15 players for games of Blood Bowl. Using components from the existing Human, Dwarf, and Halfling team sets, you’ll be able to build 3 Halfling Hopefuls, 3 Human Linemen, 1 Human Blitzer, 1 Human Thrower, 1 Human Catcher, 3 Dwarf Blockers, 1 Dwarf Runner, 1 Dwarf Blitzer, and 1 Dwarf Troll Slayer. Some of these players include cosmetic options such as different heads to help you customise your own team. The box also includes six balls, two double-sided Blood Bowl coins, and two turn markers – split evenly between Dwarf and Human designs – and a sheet of Old World Alliance transfers with team logos, numbers, and positionals.
This kit comprises 73 plastic components, and comes with 15x Citadel 32mm Round Bases as well as an Old World Alliance Transfer Sheet. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
The rules to use Old World Alliance teams in your games of Blood Bowl can be found in Blood Bowl – The Official Rules.