Legions Imperialis: Tiny Miniatures, Big Details
Games Workshop talks shop about the miniatures in the Legions Imperialis range and also tease the new sprues!
Yesterday, GW put out a video about the Legions Imperialis miniatures and the scale of these tiny Space Marines. If you have 2 minutes, it’s certainly worth a watch:
There’s also a follow-up written interview as well. That’s also worth a read, too. They go into one of the challenges they faced in that they wanted to have a scale that allowed for lots and lots of minis on the tabletop but also had details you could make out on top of being easy to assemble. I think that last part was the one that hit me, too. One quote stood out from the written interview in my mind:
“You can’t expect people to make a six-part Tactical Space Marine in a game that can require hundreds to play, so simple infantry are the way forward.”
And yeah, now that you mention it…that would be a huge barrier to entry. That got me wondering how exactly GW wanted us to build all those tiny marines?!
First Look At The Legions Imperialis Sprues
Well now we have a much better idea because they sneakily snuck in a first look at those fantastic sprues:
The front sprue has your basic Space Marines, Assault Marines, Cataphractii Terminators, Contemptor Dreadnoughts and more on it. It’s rather impressive looking in terms of what they were able to cram on there! It’s also noteworthy that each marine is basically ready to be popped out and glue to a base for painting! The Contemptor Dreadnoughts will require a bit assembly, but that’s honestly expected.
The other sprues tease the Sicaran and the Predator and even some other bits from the Warhounds and more. Honestly, the kits don’t look too crazy to build and I think that’s going to be a BIG win for this army. It should mean folks will be able to get their models built and battle ready relatively quickly.
On top of that, just looking at the detail on the Sicaran on the sprue, you can see these models are oozing with details at that size. You might not make out every rivet like the 40k scale models but you’ve still got the armor plates, large rivets, and even the individual tracks to spot. Again, it’s impressive! Personally, I just like that these tanks look like their larger counterparts but are basically pre-assembled in sections that you’ll just have to glue together.
After seeing all the sprues it’s hard to imagine that GW doesn’t have plans to fill out the rest of the range. We’re going to need Rhinos for all theses Marines and since we have the Predators there on sprue it’s easy to see where they are going next.
Now I just have to decide if I want to make a bunch of miniature World Eaters or if I want to swap Legions…