Legions Imperials: FAQs Answered By Games Workshop

If you’ve had some questions about the upcoming Legions Imperialis you’re not alone. Here’s some key takeaways from the GW FAQ.
Games Workshop released a bit of an FAQ about Legions Imperialis. They answered some important questions regarding the support of the game and we’ll get into those. For now, let’s see some of the key takeaways from their FAQ. As always we encourage you to read the entire FAQ for yourself as we’re just hitting the highlights.
Question: Will we see Warhammer 40,000 factions? Answer: No.
GW has been pretty clear that this game is set during the Horus Heresy. We all know what that means and I laid out some reasons why GW isn’t going to go full 40k with this release. I’m not saying I agree with this limit — but it is what it is. And while GW didn’t confirm the reasons that I put forth they did answer this question very clearly:
There are no plans to expand this game into Warhammer 40,000 at the moment.
Questions: Can I use my Adeptus Titanicus and Aeronautica Imperialis models? Do I have to rebase them? Answers: Yes and No…but you probably will want to.
The entire Adeptus Titanicus range was already set it the Horus Heresy. Those models aren’t going away and, because they are used in both games, you can use them. As far as rebasing your AT models:
No, you don’t need to if you don’t want to, Adeptus Titanicus bases will be perfectly usable in Legions Imperialis.
They will be a bit taller because the bases in Legions Imperialis are thinner. However, functionally, they should be the same.
As far as Aeronautica Models only the models that were also set in the Horus Heresy will be supporting in Legions Imperialis. So no xenos and many of the Astra Militarum models won’t be supported. They are leaving the range soon. So if you want those you might want to snag them soon.
Want to know which models are supported? Check the Horus Heresy: Aeronautica Imperialis Rulebook.
Now, as far as basing the AI models goes, again you don’t have to rebase them. Here’s what GW says:
For Aircraft, again it’s up to you, but we believe that the Aeronautica bases might be a bit immersion-breaking, so we’d suggest that you pop them on a Legions Imperialis base for games using this system.
I’m going to assume they are still going to be on those plastic flight stands. My suggestion is then to magnetize them if you still want to play AI with those models.
Question: Will the Adeptus Titanicus and Aeronautica Imperialis Still be Supported? Answer: If it’s from the Horus Heresy-era then yes.
Again, all of Adeptus Titanicus and parts of Aeronautica Imperialis were set in the Horus Heresy. Those games set in the Horus Heresy are still going to get support. Everything else…not so much.
Question: What will Legions Imperialis models be made of: Plastic or resin? Answer: Both.
Just like most GW games the “core” units will be plastic. For the more niche units and upgrades they are kicking that over to Forge World resin.
Question: Which Factions are getting supported? Answer: Space Marines and Solar Auxilia (so far…)
This should be pretty obvious from the announcement and box set. Aside from the AT and AI models, you can expect more Space Marines and Solar Auxilia. But, just like the Horus Heresy, you might see some more armies get supported later. Which armies? No confirmations from GW…but just look at the HH line for some hints.
And yes, more models will be released for both factions.
As alluded to in the reveal article, plenty more miniatures are in the pipeline for Legions Imperialis, with the first wave arriving within weeks of the launch box. We’ll be starting with those units common to all Space Marines Legions and Solar Auxilia forces, rather than Legion-specific specialists.
Good. I was wondering where my Rhinos were. Gonna need a lot of those to transport all those Space Marines around…
Speaking of new minis check out this picture:
Question: Is that New Terrain? Answer: Yep.
Question: Can I use my Old Epic Miniatures? Short Answer: Yes. Longer Answer: Check with your opponent.
The scale of the old Epic range is a little inconsistent. According to GW the models in the old range were only “roughly proportionally in line with each other.” Legions Imperialis is going to be “far more consistent” so there’s that.
So GW isn’t going to stop you from busting out your old Epic miniatures and playing Legions Imperialis with them. However you might want to check with your opponent and just make sure you’re both on the same page as to what each model is and that they are cool with that.
Question: When Can I Buy an Epic Scale Primarch?
Answer: “Wouldn’t that be something?”
Oh GW…you’re such a tease.
While those are the big takeaways from the FAQ that GW put out we still have one BIG question: When can we see some game rules?