Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Five Characters We Hope Get Releases

There are no shortage of Marvel Comic Characters to bring to the tabletop. Here’s a few we hope join Marvel: Crisis Protocol.
I’ve been on a bit of a MCP kick lately. Maybe it’s because I’ve always been a fan of comics and cartoons. I don’t get to watch the shows as much as I would like and I don’t get to read all the comics I want any more (life happens). But that doesn’t mean I don’t have some favorites that I’d like to see show up in Marvel: Crisis Protocol. At least that way I’d get to combine a few hobbies into that whacky nexus of Superheroes and Tabletop Skirmish game.
Anyhow, there are a few characters from the Comics that (surprising) haven’t show up yet. These are the ones that I really want to join the game.
I mean I don’t think I’d have to make too much of an argument for Apocalypse joining the MCP but if I do, here we go. One of the first mutants to have ever existed (at least timeline wise) he’s been a supervillain and nemesis of the X-Men for a long time. Heck, there’s that whole “Age of Apocalypse” storyline that came about as well. That could be an great inspiration for a TON of alternate versions of MCP characters…but that’s another story. Anyhow, we already have Mr. Sinister, Cable (where’s Stryfe!?) and a bunch of X-Men (and their villains). So why not bring in one of the OTHER big bads? I just hope they make him large and incharge like a Thanos sized model.
Warren Worthington III was originally dubbed Angel and was one of the first X-Men in the comics. Much later he got abducted by Apocalypse and got turned into one of his four horsemen. Enter Archangel. Now with metal wings and a talent for shooting razor sharp metal at folks, Archangel is a bit of an “edgy” dude…but hey, if we get Apocalypse, we should also get Archangel, too!
Lady Deathstrike
Oh I’m sorry, is my X-Men fanboy showing? I don’t think a X-Men list is complete without a Wolverine mention and why not include at least one character that’s been known to hunt Old Man Logan? She’s got a crazy cyborg body and those insane claws and would make one heck of a model on the tabletop! Plus that could open up the option for one of those squad packs for the Mercenaries known as the Reavers, too!
Doctor Doom
If you’re like me you’re probably a little surprised that Doctor Doom isn’t in MCP already. Well, he’s not. But I’m thinking he should be! Right up there alongside the best of villains in Marvel Comics, Doctor Doom is iconic. He’s a blending of science and magic that is just fantastic. Plus he rules over his own country…He’s not exactly a nice guy but if Atomic Mass Games was looking to add a powerhouse to the bad guys Doom seems like a really good option.
Fantastic Four
The Fantastic Four is Marvel’s first family of the comics. Plus, if you can’t really have Doctor Doom without his rival Reed Richards, right? And this is also a sneaky way to add four new characters to my list. I don’t think they really need an introduction so I’m just going to say I really hope they get added to the game, too.
Bonus: Silver Surfer
Hey since we already got one cosmic rider zooming around we might as well as another. The Silver Surfer also pairs nicely with the Fantastic Four. He’s also the herald of…
Bonus Bonus: Galactus
Let’s just go big. This would probably be a special edition release or something as he’s probably be the size of small child. Having the world devouring Galactus enter the MCP mix would kind of be awesome though!
What character(s) would you like to see join the MCP?