MTG Deck of the Week: “Dimir Control” – An Offer You Can’t Refuse

Check out the current trending decks in Magic: The Gathering! This week, “Dimir Control” just wants to give you cards, with no drawbacks…honest.
Welcome Magic: the Gathering players! We’re back to showcase one of the top decks of the week for competitive Magic. We have the top lists being played on MTGO, what’s winning, and the decks that won the major events this last week. So get your playmat ready, set your spindown to 20, and dive into the data, brought to us by
Our deck of the week is “Dimir Control” by nahuel10, which is currently trending on TCGPlayer. The deck came in first place during the MTGO Modern Challenge on July 16th.
4 Counterspell
1 Dress Down
4 Fatal Push
4 Force of Negation
1 Hall of Storm Giants
4 Island
3 Lórien Revealed
1 Minamo, School at Water’s Edge
1 Misty Rainforest
2 Murktide Regent
4 Orcish Bowmasters
1 Otawara, Soaring City
4 Polluted Delta
3 Prismatic Vista
4 Sauron’s Ransom
2 Sheoldred’s Edict
2 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse
2 Spell Pierce
4 Subtlety
2 Swamp
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
4 The One Ring
2 Watery Grave
2 Chalice of the Void
2 Damnation
2 Engineered Explosives
2 Mystical Dispute
3 Relic of Progenitus
1 Spell Pierce
3 Unmoored Ego
Deck Notes
Nothing to see here, just a Dimir deck doing Dimir things. This is Blue/Black control honed to a razor’s edge, with most of the wincons in the deck being completely unavoidable. After all, how do you stop a deck that floods your hand, punishes you for it, then counters all your attempts to gain a foothold. Please don’t mistake my tone for distaste; I LOVE what this deck can do. I’ve just been on the receiving end of one too many, “In response…” conversations.