MTG: ‘Doctor Who’ Universes Beyond Cards Unveiled at SDCC

A whole batch of Magic Cards set in the Doctor Who Universes Beyond set showed up at SDCC. Check ’em out for yourself!
Magic: the Gathering has been wibbly-wobbly for a while now. Just ask anyone who plays the game how much they either love or hate it. But very soon it’s about to get timey-wimey as well, thanks to the upcoming Doctor Who x Magic set.
With Planeswalking being a big part of the upcoming Universes Beyond expansion, there’s a lot to love if you’re a Whovian. And a lot to love if you’re building strong tribal decks, because get ready to add Dalek to your creature types and unleash the might of the unstoppable Daleks on the multiverse.
Doctor Who x Magic Card Spoilers From SDCC
Let’s start with TARDIS. This card, which comes in a glorious alternate art version (picture below) will ramp up the power of your Time Lord, letting you both cascade and planeswalk.
This is because each of the Doctor Who x Magic decks is also secretly a Planechase deck. So as you Planeswalk you’ll be shifting from Plane to Plane, moving through dimensions and time. What will you be doing on the Planes? Encountering different effects. Like:
Bad Wolf Bay, which lets you blink creatures, at least until you roll Chaos Ensues.
You might end up in the TARDIS bay, where you can cascade until you end up stealing the TARDIS (or some other artifact).
You might end up on Trenzalore, near the Doctor’s Tomb, where no one really dies and when chaos happens, you swap life totals around, which is just absolutely wild. Just mind those Fixed Points in Time.
Of course outside of the fun Planechase possibilities, there’s plenty more to play with. One of the more powerful new cards is the Dalek. It looks like they’ll be running heavily on tokens:
And banking a lot on operating with other Daleks:
Replicate is going to be absolutely wild. Especially in a deck with something like Rukarumel who can just make everyone realize they’re all Daleks. Of course, there are a lot of amazing tokens in this set:
A lot of fun references in the set, including The Parting of the Ways, which references an iconic arc of early modern Doctor Who:
Speaking of the Doctor:
Here we see the Tenth one in both the standard and alternate art versions:
Time and space await in Doctor Who Universes Beyond!