MTG: Eldrazi Unbound Unveiled – A Colorless Commander Deck

Loading Ready Run unveiled the official preconstructed Eldrazi Unbound deck from the forthcoming Commander Masters 2023 set.
Who would have thought that one of the Commander precons would be entirely Colorless. And yet, that’s exactly what we see in Eldrazi Unbound. This deck is full of colorless creatures and spells ready to drain the color from everything else.
And it includes a brand new Eldrazi Commander: Zhulodok, Void Gorger. There’s a ton of power in here, but there’s also a ton of flavor, since all your basic lands are the Colorless Wastes. You can find the full decklist at the end of this article, but for now, let’s take a look at what’s new.
Eldrazi Unbound
If you want a deep dive on the full Deck List, Loading Ready Run do a fantastic job of it. Starting with a look at the new Commander, Zhulodok, Void Gorger
Zhulodok gives all your big Eldrazi cards “Cascade, cascade” which is just mean. Who doesn’t want to cast a spell, then cast another spell afterwards? Not that you’ll be paying more than 7 mana in a good Eldrazi deck.
Omarthis is another powerful Commander candidate. Since Omarthis comes in as big as you need, and grows even more powerful as you pump up your creatures, only to Manifest on the way out.
Abstruse Archaic comes to you from the plane that Strihaven is on, and this one copies spells and abilities from a colorless source. So you can double most anything, including spells like Calamity of the Titans:
Which canonizes one of Raul Julia’s greatest roles in its flavor text, because for Emrakul, it was Tuesday.
And just to prove that paying mana for spells is a sucker’s game, here’s the Darksteel monolith. Which works once each turn.
Desecrate Reality is just mean. Especially since it lets you bring back odd creatures and artifacts to the battlefield. One thing it won’t work on, though, is Flayer of Loyalties:
But that’s fine, you don’t need to cast this one for 0 mana, because once it comes out, all bets are off.
Playing off of the “once on each turn” Darksteel Monolith, Skittering Cicada gives everything flash and gets huge when you take advantage of him.
Ugin’s Mastery lets you manifest your truuuuth.
It That Betrays is ready to harvest everyone and everything. Taking any sacrifices and putting them on your side.
Finally, Rise of the Eldrazi shows up and gives you all of the big three’s abilities in one single card. One single really powerful card.
What a fun deck to not be on the wrong side of.