Our ‘Pathfinder: Rage of Elements’ Preview Rains Down New Water Rules

We got an exclusive preview of Pathfinder 2E‘s new Rage of Elements sourcebook. Here’s a look at how Water flows in the game.
Water signifies many things. Healing, often, but just as often it can be a source of horror when one looks too closely in the depths. Water represents the joining of all things when a single droplet makes its way to the sea, but it also erodes the mountains themselves. Which is why the Water chapter of Pathfinder 2E’s Rage of Elements chapter feels so… fluid.
And in Rage of Elements, water is embodied by the Plane of Water, a deep, churning Boundless Sea that would swallow all if given the chance. The Plane of Water is ruled by powerful Elemental Lords (whom we get to meet in the chapter). But what really makes it fun are the new options that players will find.
From new spells to new magic items, there’s a lot for Water-inspired characters. Let’s take a look at some of them!
Rage of Elements Preview – Water Spells
After you read through the enthralling Water lore in Rage of Elements, the first bit of player-facing stuff you’ll come to is a selection of Water Spells. There are seventeen new ones in all across a variety of power levels. You could do something as trivial as “cause a splash of cold water to descend on an ally’s head” which gives them 1d4 temporary hit points for a minute (a fantastic way to get someone up). Or you might call upon the Hungry Depths themselves:
Other fun options include Personal Ocean, which lets you bring the ocean with you wherever you go. Meaning that opponents are forced to use the rules of aquatic combat if they want to attack you, which is absolutely hilarious. But the real treasure, pun intended, are some of the new water-themed magic items. Take a look.
Water Items – More Solid Than You’d Think
The Octopus potion is absolutely fantastic. Drink it, gain eight flailing arms (what more do you need) that can grapple enemies and wrap them up in ways you wouldn’t believe. Other treasures include the Submersible Anglerfish Lantern, which is a magical bull’s-eye lantern that, when submerged in water, grows much larger. Not unlike those fun capsule sponge toys from back when you still had hopes and dreams.
Except instead of turning into a brightly colored sponge in the shape of a unicorn or dinosaur, the Anglerfish lantern transforms into a full-on Bathysphere for an hour.
Also it can fascinate someone who looks at the beautiful light it gives off.
And all this is just a small taste of the trove of treasures awaiting for you in Rage of Elements. Each of the elements gets an in-depth overview and new stuff to play with!