‘Star Wars’ Owner’s Manuals to Keep Your Falcon, TIE, or X-Wing in Running Order

Keep your investment in good shape with these Star Wars owner’s manuals for the Galaxy’s iconic fighters and ships.
Haynes is known for its auto mechanic manuals for cars, motorcycles, and real-world engines. Now they’ve expanded into Star Wars owner’s manuals that include their signature exploded view schematics. These are a great addition to any fan’s library.
Millennium Falcon

Han doesn’t really keep up with the maintenance of his ship. He just inherited the manual from Lando and threw it in the glove box, and forgot it exists.
This Haynes Manual is based on the YT-1300 Corellian Freighter. The best-known variant of which is the Millennium Falcon, the iconic spaceship appearing in the original Star Wars trilogy and other stories. Using brand-new cutaway illustrations, this manual provides the most thorough technical description of the YT-1300 available.
Rebel Starfighters

Keep your X-Wing, U-Wing, or B-Wing ready to join the rebel alliance when you get the call to fight the next big bad of the Galaxy.
The Rebel Starfighters Owners’ Workshop Manual presents a thorough history of the starfighters that served the Rebel Alliance and the Resistance. The history includes design origins, production, and modifications for each Rebel Starfighter. It is fully illustrated with multiple photographs, schematics, and exploded diagrams.
TIE Fighter

Keep your TIE screaming through space so it can squash any rebellion that pops up with this handy guide.
The TIE Fighter Owners’ Workshop Manual presents a thorough history of Sienar Fleet Systems’ twin ion engine space superiority fighter. The manual from early concepts and prototypes to the mass-produced starfighters that fought countless battles against insurgent groups.
DS-1 Orbital Battle Station

This massive battel station has a ton of moving parts that need to be kept up with.
This volume covers the iconic Imperial Death Star battle station. The spherical space station is the size of a small moon and is highly armored and armed. The Death Star can destroy anything from enemy spaceships to whole planets. The Death Star Owners Workshop Manual reveals the technology contained within and lays bare the awesome power (and weaknesses) of the Empire’s ultimate weapon.
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