The Ship Ahsoka Traveled in More Than Any Other – The T-6 Jedi Shuttle Breakdown

More often than not, when you saw Ahsoka Tano, it was aboard the elegant, ray-like hull of a T-6 Jedi Shuttle. But what are these, exactly?
The Jedi Order commissioned many ships throughout the years of their ascendancy in the Galactic Republic. During the Clone Wars and the rise of the Galactic Empire, Jedi relied on ships tuned to their specific senses, made for fighting in an ongoing, all-out war. But, during the Clone Wars, many Jedi remained in the unarmed craft.
And some of these ships, like the T-6 Jedi Shuttle, while not necessarily as responsive as the starfighters designed to cooperate with a Jedi’s enhanced reflexes, were the epitome of skill and grace. The T-6’s unique hull was an older design, but one that afforded a surprising amount of luxury to passengers.
T-6 Jedi Shuttle Design and Capabilities
The T-6 Jedi Shuttle was originally designed by the Verpine. Specifically the hives of Slayn & Korpil. A semicircular design gave the T-6 Jedi Shuttle its unique configuration and was not without reason. The engine block and cockpit are oriented with the rest of the ship, whether landed or in flight.
When landing, the ship could sit horizontally, when in flight, the cockpit and engine rotated ninety degrees, to be vertically aligned with the shuttle.
Owing to its function as a ship for emissaries, diplomats, and ambassadors, it was outfitted with all sorts of luxuries. Including a flexible “cushioned survival capsule” that could enclose ejector seats in the event of catastrophic damage. The T-6 Jedi Shuttle also boasted a spacious interior. And with a Class 1 Hyperdrive, and a generous supply of creature comforts, T-6’s could make long journeys with important diplomats with relative ease.
History of the T-6 Jedi Shuttle
The original T-6 shuttles were designed for the Jedi Order and were reported to be in use as early as 68 BBY. During these times of peace, the T-6’s distinct profile could be seen over many worlds, earning them the nickname “Jedi ambassador shuttle”, though these ships were by no means restricted to the Jedi alone.
Of course, this was not to last. When the Clone Wars broke out, the Republic needed every ship at its disposal. And the T-6 Jedi Shuttle was no exception. And despite being unarmed, T-6’s played an important role in many galactic events. One was used to capture the notorious bounty hunter Cad Bane, transporting him until the Duros escaped.
But interestingly enough, the T-6 would play a major role in the life of a young padawan, Ahsoka Tano. Early on, Anakin Skywalker and his padawan took a T-6 Jdi shuttle to Felucia to investigate a disappearance. Later, Tano traveled to Florrum in a T-6 with Jedi Master Plo Koon in search of Boba Fett, Aurra Sing, and Bossk.
Tano took yet another T-6 Shuttle along with the Pantoran Senator Riyo Chuchi to search for the kidnapped daughters of the Pantoran Chairman. And, sometime after the Battle of Endor, Ahsoka Tano used one of the Jedi Shuttled to venture to Lothal. There she met up with Sabine Wren and began the hunt for the lost Jedi, Ezra Bridger.
May the Force be with you!