Every Type of Jedi You Should Absolutely Know About

The Jedi Order was one of the most structured organizations in the galaxy. So it’s no surprise that there were a few different types of Jedi.
Between the recent influx of stories taking place in the days of the High Republic and upcoming stories involving rebuilding the Jedi Order, We’re gonna want to know more about the various types of Jedi. More casual fans may not be aware, but back when there was more than a small handful of Jedi out there, the Order was very well structured. Not only were there many ranks but different classifications of Jedi as well. But what were they? How were they all different? And what category would our favorite Jedi fall into?
This isn’t part of the three classifications of Jedi, but I wanted to include it anyway. It could be easy to confuse rank with classification, and I don’t want anybody getting to the end of this and thinking, “But what about Jedi Knights?!” So let’s break down the Jedi ranking system.
First are Jedi Initiates, more commonly known as Younglings. These are the kids who were taken from their families and are taught the absolute basics in a group setting. Eventually, these Younglings would be chosen by a single Jedi Knight or Master for one-on-one training as a Jedi Apprentice or Padawan.
Eventually, a Padawan would be deemed worthy of taking on the title of Jedi Knight. Oftentimes this came after a series of trials and building their own lightsaber.
Jedi Knights who demonstrated a deep understanding of the Force and have usually trained their own Padawan to the level of Knight are awarded the title of Jedi Master.
Above Jedi Masters were Jedi Councilors. It’s not a title they often use or are addressed by, but they are designated just a little differently since they are serving on the Jedi Council. The Master of the Order is the leading member of the Council.
Finally, the Grand Master is the acknowledged leader of the entire Jedi Order. They have proven themselves to be the best of the best with great deeds and indisputable leadership skills.
With all of that out of the way, let’s talk about the different kinds of Jedi who could appear within those rankings.
Jedi Consular
A Jedi Consular is also known as a Jedi Seer, and while they have combat skills on par with the other Jedi, they rarely enter battle unless necessary. Instead, Consulars prefer to study the Force and all of its mysteries. They are primarily the scholars and diplomats of the order, and it’s not uncommon for them to go on and teach future Jedi.
Jedi Guardian
In contrast, Guardians are the more battle-focused Jedi. They focus their training on combat and martial arts. But they still have some skills in diplomacy, and are considered keepers of the peace. While it isn’t a hard and fast rule, many Jedi Guardians chose blue as their lightsaber color.
Jedi Sentinel
Finally, the Sentinel is a balance between the previous two. While a Jedi Sentinel may not have the physical prowess of a Guardian nor the deep level of study and understanding of the Consular, they also don’t have the same weaknesses of either. Instead, Sentinels are well-rounded students of the Forces, suited to both peace and wartimes. Many Jedi fall into this category.
What type of Jedi do you think you’d be? What category do you think your favorite Jedi would have fallen into? If you were to build your own lightsaber, what color would it be? Let us know in the comments!
May the Force be with you, adventurers!