Warhammer 40: Battle For Oghram Preview Reminder – Tune In This Weekend

This is just a friendly PSA reminder that Games Workshop is hosting a big preview for the winner of the Battle for Oghram!
The Battle for Oghram is over and while we still don’t know who won we’re just as excited as everyone to see the new models coming for either the Space Marines or the Tyranids. That reveal is happening this weekend.
The final results will be revealed on Saturday the 15th of July during a special preview for all of the new miniatures from the side who won.
Battle for Oghram Preview
One important thing to remember is that regardless of which side actually won GW had to plan for either option. That means that the other side’s miniature and/or codex is going to be shortly after the winner. It’s all ready to go — at the minimum the previews are done.
While I was personally expecting the Space Marines to win the last report we got was that the Tyranids were in the lead. Either way, I’m stoked for the previews. Considering GW had all new plastics for both armies in the Leviathan box it’s going to be fun to see what they have been cooking up for the rest of these releases.
For the Tyranids I’m most hopeful for a true Lord of War slot. The Tyranids have been waiting for one for a long time and I hope that finally comes true this weekend. As for the Space Marines I have no idea what GW’s got in the oven for them in terms of completely new units.
Maybe it’s just going to be revisiting older kits and updating them. Maybe it will be something completely new. But that’s the point! We’re going to have to wait and see what happens on Saturday.
“Tune in this coming Saturday at 2pm BST for a debrief on the Global Battle for Oghram, and for all juicy reveals from the side that claimed victory!”
You’ll have to pop in on the Warhammer Twitch channel to find out. Or join us as we’re going to be covering it all Saturday, too! We’ll see you there!
Space Marines or Tyranids?! Who’s getting the reveal first?