Warhammer 40K: First Index Updates Now Live

Games Workshop has rolled out the first major Index Updates. These are balance changes — they are errata and fixes.
With Warhammer 40,000: 10th Edition being out for a couple weeks now there have been thousands of games played and feedback has been sent to GW. Along with that feedback there’s also been more than a few questions about the Indexes and some of the errors/typos/mistakes in them. Given the fact that GW updated the entire game and all of the units at once there was bound to be few things that slipped through the cracks. So that’s what this update is looking to fix.
Unfortunately they put the announcement out in the small banner section below the main stories on WarCom. I would think this would warrant a big “PSA” style update but that’s what we’re doing here.
You’ll want to head over the Warhammer 40,000 Downloads and grab your Index.
Based on the dates under each army pretty much everyone got a simultaneous Index update as well. The only two Indexes that didn’t were the Chaos Knights and the Tyranids.
Just a reminder that this isn’t a balance update or points adjustment. This is all error fixes and errata. That means the points didn’t change and most of the rules should be the same. That said if you’ve got the old Index downloaded you’re going to want to grab the new version and make sure you’re up-to-date. It might be fun to compare the two and see if you can spot the changes…but just make sure you don’t get them mixed up!
Also mentioned in the update is that the next Balance Update will be in a few months. I’m wondering if that will be before or after the Tyranid Codex arrives on shelves…
Download the latest Warhammer 40,000 Index Updates Here
Snag those Updated Indexes from the downloads and check your rules!