Warhammer 40K: Five Units We Hope To See From The Oghram Preview – Tyranid Edition

There’s a new preview this weekend featuring the winner of the Battle for Oghram. Here’s what we want to see from the Tyranids.
We’re going to go out on a limb here and assume the Tyranids won the Battle for Oghram. We don’t know for sure but seeing as how Games Workshop probably has both armies ready to go we’re going to focus on the Tyranids anyhow. What we do know is that GW has had lots of time to plan new units for both Space Marines and Tyranids. And these are a few that we hope to see this weekend.
Oghram Preview Tyranid Edition Speculation
Okay okay okay…this might not happen. That’s mostly because the Dominatrix is supposed to be a massive Bio-titan. But really I’m just hoping for some sort of Lord of War-sized creature. There’s lots in the bestiary of the Tyranids to choose from but the Dominatrix always comes to mind first.
New ‘Gaunt Box
The new Termagants in the Leviathan box seem like a starting point for something new. I am wondering if we’re going to see some sort of combo box for Termagants and Hormagaunts from the update. Theoretically, all GW would need to do is replace the fleshborers with claws. But whatever the case I also hope we get some more weapon options from the Termagants — I’m looking at you devourers!
The Red Terror was always a bit of a mystery and its original species has been retconned and changed a few times. It it a strand of Mawloc? Ravener? A precursor to a Trygon? A mutant bio-morph? Whatever it is, I hope we see it come back with an updated model!
New Winged Tyranid Warriors aka Shrikes
With the arrival of the Winged Tyranid Prime it would make a lot of sense to see a new box featuring Winged Tyranid Warriors. This unit was dubbed Shrikes and had models from Forge World. It’s not unprecedented to see FW models get ported over to plastic. Personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing some new Warriors anyhow and if they come with wings even better!
Something Completely New
Here’s the thing…We could list off all the existing units that have been mentioned in the past. We could even mention the Barbgaunts and how we’d like to see alternate weapon options for them. Or mention more old “characters” like the Doom of Malan’tai and how much we’d love to see that come back. Or even some of the obvious kits like the new Screamer Killer, Psychophage, or Neurotyrant. Seriously, take your pick there. But really we just want to see something completely unexpected.
I had questions about the creatures that were blurred out at the top of this photo. And I hope we find out what they are. There’s part of me that wants to speculate on them being Viragons or Nautiloids or something that we’ve got art but no miniature/rules for. But there’s another part of me that hopes they are something completely different and new. We’re just going to have to wait and see!
GW just give Tyranids a Lord of War that doesn’t suck on the rules front and I’ll be stoked!