Warhammer 40K: PSA – Free Battle Forge Access Ends August 30th

The Warhammer 40,000: The App’s Battle Forge list building tool is currently free. But that access is going away at the end of August.
If you’ve been playing Warhammer 40,000: 10th Edition there’s a good chance you downloaded the App and have been using the Battle Forge list building tool. It’s built-in the App and as of writing this it’s currently free to use for everyone. That’s changing at the end of August.
From the 30th of August, you’ll need to subscribe to Warhammer+ in order to access the full features of Battle Forge. The other tools in the app will remain free, and it will continue as an excellent reference for the most up-to-date rules for Warhammer 40,000. The Index datasheets, Combat Patrol rules, and Core Rules references will remain accessible even without a subscription.
Free Battle Forge Access Ends August 30th
That’s the bad news for anyone who’s been using it as a “trial” to build and save lists for 40k. It does make list building (relatively) easy and it also allows you to save and export-to-print those lists, too. If you’ve found it helpful you can get a subscription to Warhammer+ and continue to use the App to list build. Eventually, I’m guessing that GW will start to add in the codexes using those one-use codes like they did previously. At some point in the future we won’t all be using Indexes anymore…so just be ready for that!
If you’re NOT using the 40k App to list build it does give you access to a bunch of other rules which are going to remain free. So not all is lost. Additionally, because list building in 40k is a lot more streamlined, it’s really not that difficult to just build a list using the points from the Munitorum Field Manual which you can download free. And then you can access all the Datasheets from their respective Index downloads, too. Just write your list down and double check your math. The App is nice because it does check for validity and it’s certainly convenient.
If you’re not using the App and are just a little bit curious there’s no reason NOT to download it and give it a go. If you don’t like it just delete it! On the other hand, if you do like it you’ll have free access to the Battle Forge list builder until August 30th. At that point it’s really up to you if the subscription is worth it. If you opt to get a subscription there’s all a TON of other content you’ll gain access to — but you probably know that already. If you don’t check out the Warhammer+ site for more info.
I hope GW updates the 40k List Builder on the WarCom site eventually…