Warhammer 40K: Tyranid ‘Medium Bug’ Reveals

Games Workshop revealed more Tyranid “medium bugs” were inbound. New Lictors, Biovores and Pyrovore…oh my!
We’ve got even more Tyranids coming soon from GW. The Deathleaper and the Von Ryan’s Leapers were just a tease. Plus the Bio- and Pyro-vores finally got a new combo kit and it looks WAY better than before.
New Tyranid Lictors
From the look of things there’s going to be a couple of different Lictors you can build. One has the scythe arms fully extended while the other is being a bit more sneak. These new plastic kits do look pretty impressive though and I’m wondering if we’re going to see them in pairs or what. In any case it’s nice to see this unit get a new model for sure!
New Neurolictor
Games Workshop isn’t skimping on the new stuff either. Here we have the new Neurolictor! If you thought the regular Lictors were bad news then watch out for this psychic-enhanced version. When your squadmates start acting funny and pull a gun on you that’s probably going to be the Neurolictor’s fault!
New Deathleaper
To be fair, we saw the new Deathleaper already — but that doesn’t make it any less cool. One tidbit GW did drop was that in the new Tyranid Codex there is an option to run an entire Tyranid Vanguard list full of Leapers and Genestealers with Deathleaper as your General. I’m sure that’s going to be one sneaky and terrifying army to run up against!
New Biovore
Okay, I’m not going to lie I did NOT see this one coming but I’m SO glad it is here. The Biovore has gone on quite the journey as a Tyranid model and this latest incarnation is by far my favorite. While I do like the Orky versions as a close second, current versions weren’t my favorite models. This new incarnation is fantastic though. I love how this looks a lot more tick-like with a massive weapon symbiote on top. I’m loving this glow-up!
New Pyrovore
And let’s also appreciate the Pyrovore replacement! Thank the Hive Mind for this one. Not only is this now a combo kit but it’s new version is one that I’m not going to be embarrassed to field. If you are a fan of the current Pyrovore…well, good for you. I was not and I’m glad it’s being replaced by this model. This also means that there’s one less fine cast model being replaced by plastic and I’m all here for that!
Which medium bug is your favorite update?