Which of These TTRPGs Should Win the 2023 ENnies’ Best Game Award?

There’s still time left to vote for your choice for 2023’s Best Game at the 2023 ENnie awards. Who’s up for the award? Glad you asked!
It’s time for the ENnies, well, the voting parts of it anyway. Which means it’s a chance for the community to weigh in on what they’ve enjoyed over the last year or so. We’ve talked about the games up for Best Rules. Now we’re taking a look at the games up for Best Game.
There’s a surprisingly diverse showing of games here. Including a rare “comedic” game that sounds like it’s right up my alley, in all honesty. Curious to see if your favorite made the list this year? Here are the noms!
Fabula Ultima
Fabula Ultima is a tabletop RPG that takes its inspiration from JRPGs. This is hilarious because many of the original JRPGs were inspired by tabletop games. That’s where Final Fantasy comes from. But Fabula Ultima takes the tabletop fantasy genre into some newer territory with mechanics inspired by some of your favorite video games.
I had not heard of this one, and am so glad that it is nominated for an ENnie, because it is extremely my jam. Flabbergasted is a “rules-lite, narrative-driven” game that happens to be set in the roaring ’20s. That’s right, it takes place a hundred years ago, but not only that, it’s specifically aimed at taking players into comedic adventures, since this takes inspiration from things like Jeeves and Wooster and Fawlty Towers as you play through farcical adventures and madcap hijinks.
Pasión de las Pasiones
Now this one I have played, and it’s great. Pasión de alas Pasiones uses the Powered by the Apocalypse framework to take you into a world inspired by the greatest of midafternoon Univision serials: telenovelas. This is a game of passion and dramatic secrets and interparty tension as you reveal secrets like you’re actually your own evil twin. It’s a game of over-the-top roleplay leaning heavily into some of the best tropes of the genre, well worth checking out.
Slugblaster | Kickflip Over a Quantum Centipede
Slugblaster | Kickflip Over a Quantum Centipede has the name game locked down. It also has one of my most favorite concepts, because, in this game, you dive head first into a mishmash of some of my favorite influences, including sci-fi adventure, coming-of-age stories, skateboarding, and specifically A Goofy Movie. Saturday morning vibes. This is another one I wish I’d heard about before, but am excited to try in the near future: Slugblaster is Forged in the Dark, so you know it’ll be a crew-focused sandbox romp.
Trophy RPG Box Set
We’ve talked about this one before, but: Trophy is a dark fantasy horror game. You don’t win it, or even necessarily survive it, so much as you have an intensely fun time exploring the dark forest that hungers for blood. Not necessarily yours, since, if you notice… your companions are just full of the stuff.
Be sure and vote for your favorite game in the 2023 ENnies
Now to find time to play more games