Age of Sigmar: Cities of Sigmar – Introducing The Lore Of ‘Mortals’
The Cities of Sigmar are coming very soon and Games Workshop is back to talk about their new lore and how that came to be.
Over the last few years Games Workshop has been putting a lot of effort and time into building out the lore in the Mortal Realms. They have created some massive lore events with things like the Necroquake and Alarielle’s great Rite of Life just to name a few. These events were each very fantastical and the scale stretched across the Mortal Realms. But that’s what happens when these gods of magic start to enact their own plans and schemes.
So what about the “little guys” in these scenarios? What have they been up to while these gods duke it out? They have been growing…and the Cities of Sigmar has been doing some heavy lifting of their own.
The key thing about the Cities of Sigmar is that this is an army made up of humans — regular people who have joined up to help defend and to expand these cities across the Mortal Realms. Recently, there’s been a few changes in the background, too.
Tahlia Vedra’s led a military coup and has cleaned house of some of the more corrupted influences at the top. She’s also pioneered a new way to lead and fight her troops with the advent of the Castelite formation. With this technique, the armies of the Cities of Sigmar have found a way to even the playing field against these more fantastical enemies with Teamwork.
Phil: But now these troops all have to carry heavy defences and equipment through war zones that might not be so sympathetic to that weight. Instead of going with the first wrong answer they’ve come up with a better one – but it’s still not a one-size-fits-all situation, much to the annoyance of Vedra. There’s still some dysfunction in this faction, a grand plan that requires back-breaking labour.
The road ahead is not easy for the armies of the Cities of Sigmar but they are looking to adapt and overcome the forces that are pushing against them. That’s one of humanities’ greatest strengths and if it’s going to succeed, it’s going to have to rely on both teamwork and adaptation.
There is a TON more info on the lore of the Cities of Sigmar. I highly recommend you read the full article that details things like Tahlia’s weapons and what each of the four of them mean. As well as things like what are the Gargoylians? Or how did GW decide on the color palette to use on the studio models? All those and more are answered!
The Cities of Sigmar: It’s PEOPLE!