Age of Sigmar: Gloomspite Gitz Showcase – Braggit’s Bottle-Snatchaz

Ben is back with another awesome showcase featuring Braggit’s Bottle-Snatchaz. These squigs are unlike anything you’ve seen!
Our buddy Ben is back with a full showcase of his Braggit’s Bottle-Snatchaz. Feast your eyes on these super colorful gobbos.
Ben: You’ve seen Braggit! Now I’ve painted up the whole Bottle-Snatchaz box!
I already posted pics of Braggit (aka Rabble Rowza) in a painting article recently. But now he’s come to the surface to really wreak havoc.
Let’s move on to the humble squig herd. There’s something about the combination of two limbs, and hundreds of razor sharp teeth that have always made these a Warhammer classic. While I love all the squigs GW has released over the years, I was really glad that these plastics, first released in 2019, are just as quirky and imaginative as they’ve always been. I decided to eschew the more traditional red for a mix of purplish blues, and bluish purples. To add some variation to all those huge expanses of skin I like to paint their legs and lips different colors.
And lets not forget the herders. These gitz always seem like their having the most fun. I also wanted to show some of the cooler details of the squigs themselves. First there are all the ones sprouting various fungus out of their bodies. Stop now and think about it – these may be some of the most disturbing models GW has ever released. Squigs reproduce through spores so… I have to assume that the trio up there are doing it squig style.
That little bit of nightmare fuel should make the goblin-consuming-squig on the right seem positively tame. While its glowy-lantern-headed friend, tying to lure you to your death, becomes positively adorable.
Next up we have the Gobbapalooza. This coterie of weirdgitz make up what are some of my favorite GW models of all time. Why not have a closer look at them all?
Six limbs on the Stinger here! That’s right — you count’em. And that doesn’t even include the weird pair of insectoid ones that are sprouting from just beneath his cowl. Painting all the bottles was a bit of a pain but at the end of it you get a really cool model to look at so I ain’t complaining.
The Scaremonger was a fun chance to paint outside the range of purples, blues, and greens that make up most of this regiment’s palette. Also please take a look at that even-madder-than-usual git beneath that over-sized squig skull. When I started assembling these I was prepared for a lot, but not this deranged maniac. He’s covered in crazy scars and with his bare torso he reminds me more of a flagellant than any other git I know of.
The details on the Shroomancer were nearly enough to drive me mad. No not just painting them… Just take a minute and try to soak it all in. We have a goblin riding some kind of mushroom, trying to hold back his own mushroom so some kind of bat mushroom doesn’t eat it first. Then, riding along on the mushroom with him are two bizarre semi-humanoid mushroom… acolytes (?) chasing each other around the mushroom with tiny sticks. Let’s just ignore the fact that one of the two moon-faces on his staff is clearly alive and drooling gobbets of spittle to prove it. That would be too much.
The Boggleye, with his hypnotized snotlings, seems positively tame in comparison.
The brewgit on the other hand is trying to run a small business. Just wants to brew some potions on his head and keep those all important ingredients close at hand. Ingredients like the gob-toad there at his feet who, let’s face it, just secretes the finest mucus in the industry.
Ah, a return to relative sanity with the Boingrot Bounderz.
This is another unit you just have to love, with their crooked lances, pointy needle-helms, and tons of details like mushrooms and stalactites. But wait you’re saying… Braggit’s Bottle-Snatchaz are supposed to have a unit of squig hoppers, not bounderz. Well what can I say, my gitz army needed another unit of Bounderz. And on top of that I have a unit of Hoppers already.
Yep, I’ve got a soft spot for these old metal boys. The newer sculpts are great but these lads have something GW just doesn’t give us anymore. No I’m not talking about the metal…
I’m talking about hardcore goblin hams! You just don’t see majestic green booty like this coming out of Nottingham these days. Let ’em fly ladz! Why are you keeping these from us GW!? Can’t you just give us fans WHAT WE WANT!? Unleash the cheeks!
~Hope you enjoyed the article! I’ll be back with a showcase of my whole squig army when I have it finished. Cheeks withstanding, are you fans of the classic sculpts, or do you just want all new all the time? Do you want to run Braggit’s Bottle-Snatchaz as a Regiment of Renown in another destruction army, or did you just add these squigs to the rest of your Gloomspite Gitz forces?
See more of Ben’s Minis on Instagram!