Conquest: Meet the New Giants from the City States

When it comes to miniatures, Para Bellum Games’ miniatures are giants. What’s even bigger? How about a Para Bellum Giant!
Look at this thing. It dwarfs the size of a new Brutalis Dreadnaught!

A Short But Giant Sized Video Review
In my newest video post, I talk about this giant, compare it to other ranges, discuss how easily it went together, and talk a little in general about my thoughts on the miniature.
The Promethean Model
This giant miniature comes comes on two sprues and can be built as one of two variants. I built him as the Promethean.
But I could also have built him as the Hephaestian down below.
Building the miniature was fairly easy, but I did have some issues with the arm. It lined up okay, but as the plastic cement dried, it moved a bit which resulted in a gap.

You can see a small gap there above. I should have used something to hold it in firmer while the glue dried. You can see the issue better in the video as well. That arm, by the way, is five pieces. The rest of the model is much easier to build with larger parts.
The final product looks really good, even though I should have glued the arm on a little different to prevent that spacing.

Wrapping it up…
The Promethean by Para Bellum Games is a good looking model to put together. It is ginormous even against other giant sized miniatures by other brands. Unfortunately, I do not have a GW or Mantic Giant to compare it too, but it is large.
The miniature itself comes in a dual kit where you can build it in one of two ways. There isn’t a lot of variety in how you can pose the giant (aside from the two different builds) but it is a sharp looking model.
If you are interested in this miniature, or any other minaiture by Para Bellum Games, use the coupon code MCM to save 10% on any first purchase from their online store.
You can find the full written review of this model on my personal site.
Until next time, Happy Gaming, Everyone!!!
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Must Contain Minis is my reviews, showcases, and battle reports website, where I look at a wide variety of miniatures games and related products. I like to focus mainly on indie and historical games. If you haven’t visited for a while, come on over and check the site out! You can also follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Thanks again for reading!!!
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