‘Critical Role’ Beau Cosplay: Being Curious is a Skill Set

Critical Role’s Beau is good with a staff, bad with pickup lines, and guaranteed to kick your butt into he next fantasy world.
Critical Role is one of those fandoms that proves that ‘nerd culture’ isn’t a weird, small thing anymore. What started as a smallish stream where we got to watch people play a weekly (well-written and acted) D&D campaign for an audience, has become a huge universe all its own. With nearly 15,000 unique subscribers and more than 1,000 hours worth of content, Critical Role is undeniably gigantic. But it’s also spawned an animated show, books, comics, and so, so many cosplayers.
The Mighty Nein is Critical Role‘s 141-episode-long second campaign. And while is may be confusing that there aren’t nine characters, we’re going to skip over that inside-joke turned group title for now to focus on the team’s Cobalt Soul Monk, Beauregard Lionett. Or, Beau. She’s a character with multitudes, as a stone-cold “take no shit” adventurer one minute, and a good friend and (badly) flirting “disaster lesbian” the next. Plus, she’s got a great aesthetic.
Cosplayer Emjainecosplay, or Emily has taken on quite a few Critical Role cosplays, as well as multiple Beau looks. And in every one of them, she captures the energy of somebody who I’m a little afraid of but would still want to be friends with. Not to mention the attention to detail, perfectly flowy fabrics, and a few fantastic choices in shoot locations make this a cosplay that makes me think we’ve really gone to Exandria.
Beau from Critical Role, with permission by Emjainecosplay.

“I consider being curious a pretty high skill set, but since you’re asking beyond that. I’m pretty good with this here bo. Pretty good fighter. Named Beau. It’s a little redundant, to be totally honest.”

“Jails are not my favored terrain.”

“Last time I went you know that feeling where, um, you didn’t know something was wrong until someone told you, and you just lived with it this whole time? I’m relieved but also reckoning with it at the same time.”

“Sorry, babe. Gotta handle these ninjas.”
~Join us next week for more Anime Cosplay Coverage~
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