‘Gran Turismo’ Review – One of Us

The video game turned real life racing team turned biopic is out this weekend. Check out in the One of Us crew’s Gran Turismo review before you buy a ticket.
What gamer hasn’t had a fantasy that they got to live their games for real? Even you apocalyptic gamers; I see you imagining how fun the end of the world would be. And yet, these are just fantasies. But not for young Jann (Archie Madekwe) who was SO good at the exacting racing simulator game Gran Turismo that he was selected by Sony and Nissan along with a handful of other champions, to compete to become an actual pro racer.
Yes, this actually happened. A few times. Not exactly how this new movie portrays it, of course. Director Neill Blomkamp brings the zoom to this admittedly adrenaline-packed film (when they’re in the cars anyway). David Harbor is the gruff old racer who becomes a surrogate father-figure to Jann as he trains him. Djimon Hounsou is Jann’s actual father who just can’t understand what he loves so much about playing the game. Orlando Bloom is…largely irrelevant.
Gran Turismo Review
Chris, Marco, and Spider-Mike found this to be an overly trope-laden underdog sports story with some real groan-worthy moments, but some solid performances from Harbor and Hounsou and some racing cinematography that is about as good as anyone’s ever done it. Check out their review.
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