Kickstarter Highlights: Be a Raccoon in ‘Garbage & Glory’, ‘Mork Borg’ Troll God, ‘Call of Duty’, & More

Come check out this week’s batch of crowdfunding and Kickstarter highlights – including RPGs and STLs!
Vario’s Carts, Carriages & Contraptions – 5e
Welcome travelers, to this guide to carts, carriages, and other land vehicles within your RPG adventures! As you journey through vast kingdoms, strange lands, bustling cities, and treacherous mountain passes, the importance of understanding how your trusty steeds, wagons, or magical carriages work can mean the difference between life and death.
These rules help bring life to your journeys, by providing a solid foundation for when the going gets tough. This compendium addresses everything from the mechanics of speed and handling, to trick stunts, on-board actions, maintenance, and repair.
Donut Defence – STL
“Donut Defence” from Twistedpancreas Games, provides you with humorous 3D printable terrain for 28-32mm tabletop wargaming or roleplaying. Not only will you receive a distinctive building to defend, but a mass of unique terrain that will definitely make your gaming board memorable and a tonne of fun to play on, including: a Port-a-potty, Arcade Games and many detachable Fire options.
Return of the Troll God – Mörk Borg + STL
A chasm of rubble and ruin holds more than an empty pit, for it is the barrier between our adventurers and their destination. The group will come to discover a series of exciting events, all of which unravel the occult ritual to awaken the monster below, the malevolent master of masonry, the beast of brick and stone.
Test your might and your prowess, ready your blade and steel your nerves, for all shall heed the Return of the Troll God!
World of Battlezoo – 5e & P2e
The World of Battlezoo: Indigo Isles is the first lore book within the Battlezoo world of Alacar. This book is centered around the tropical Indigo Isles. World of Battlezoo Indigo Isles is designed to work within any game, so you can quickly drop these islands into your own campaign, use them in conjunction with the Jewel of the Indigo Isles Adventure Path, use them with the upcoming Battlezoo Eldamon book, or use them as the launching point for your introduction into the world of Alacar.
No matter who you are, this fantastic book has something for you!
Garbage & Glory – RPG
This week’s header image is from this campaign.
Garbage & Glory is a tabletop role-playing game about friendship, adventure, and dumpster diving. You play as a raccoon adventurer searching through the alley-ways and forgotten lots of human civilization in a constant pursuit for the best trash and the fame it brings.
Enter the unseen world of the raccoons and the other animal ruffians who share our urban environment. To human eyes, raccoons are just pawing through the things we want to get rid of. From their point of view, they are discovering the valuable raw materials that make their lives possible and rescuing it from the huge monsters who clearly don’t want this great stuff, but paradoxically don’t want anyone else to have it either. Join the quest for the greatest Garbage and all the Glory.
Call of Duty: The Board Game
Call of Duty: The Board Game brings the acclaimed Call of Duty experience to tabletops, immersing players in intense competitive combat. Play on authentic Call of Duty maps such as Shoot House or Standoff. Choose from operators like Ghost Riley or Captain Price. Select your favorite weapons and items. Build a custom combat deck with your signature tactics. Then, jump into the action.