Kickstarter Highlights: Weird Fantasy for DCC, Plus Monster STLs, and The Crusades for 5e

Come check out this week’s batch of crowdfunding and Kickstarter highlights – including RPGs and STLs!
Song for the Dead – 5e
Song for the Dead is a 5e one-shot/side quest/solo adventure that can run as a stand-alone or can be incorporated into your campaign. In essence, it is a solution to using revivify (5e spell: you bring someone back from the dead), which brings back your PCs from death without any drama or consequences.
Revivify is the worst spell in the game. It takes all the drama and all the meaning out of battle and robs your campaign of some of its potentially most memorable scenes. Now, you can’t just ban it; your players would be in uproar. But you can make it work for you with this 5e weekend to Bernie’s speed-run, including the full adventure and battle maps.
The Battle of The Shattered Plains – STL
Here you’ll find all you need to have a battle between full armies of Orcs and Men. There are individual pledges if you’d just like to support one side, or a combined pledge that will get you all forces fighting in the Battle of the Shattered Plains! Inspired by the many different styles of Orcs in all kinds of fantasy realms, this is [Quartermaster 3D]’s take on Orcs that would dwell in the cold mountains of the North!
Savage Remains – STL & Print on Demand
Tiger Skull RPG brings you The Savage Remains, a tabletop miniatures collection consisting of 13 skeleton figures and three disembodied skeleton scatter pieces. All STL figures are pre-supported and print tested for SLA(resin) home 3d printing. Don’t have a 3d printer? Physical Print on Demand pre-orders of the Savage Remains is available
Closet of the Eye Wizard – DCC
This week’s header image is from this campaign.
Open your inner eye and explore the sepulchral mysteries of Loz, the Eye Wizard! Some say he was a master of eldritch high magics who was without peer, cast down in a titanic battle that raged across the land. Others whisper of an ascendence to godhood in ages past, lost and forgotten to the merciless ravages of time. What is inarguable is the legacy he left behind… the many wondrous magical hats, sorcerous leghorns, and mysterious caps dwelling within his arcane closet.
Inside this zine, you’ll find them all, specifically created BY the DCC community FOR the DCC community!
Historica Arcanum: Era of the Crusades – 5e
Historica Arcanum is 5th edition’s historical universe, where occult secrets hide in the darkest corners of world history. With Historica Arcanum, players and game masters can delve into exciting timelines and regions of the world brimming with an ever-expanding universe of lore and storylines, from victorian era Istanbul, to the Silk Road under the Mongolian invasion to the years of the Crusades.