Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Three New Core Set Heroes Stat Cards Revealed

So far Atomic Mass Games has revealed three hero cards from the upcoming new core set. It’s Spider-Man and the two Captains!
Which two Captains? America and Marvel of course! Remember — these aren’t replacements so much as alternate versions compared to their previous ones which are still valid. We did get a look at some of the healthy cards for these heroes but now we’re getting a full view of the injured side, too. Let’s take a quick look at each one’s new cards.
Captain America, First Avenger
Steve Rodgers is back and is still the all-American he was before. Again, we got a look at his healthy side before so what does the injured side change? While he does have one less stamina he now has Perfect Block and I Can Do This All Day. Both of these powers makes Cap super tanky when the need arises. If you’d like even more insight about this new version of Captain America check out AMG’s Panel-To-Play article.
Captain marvel, Cosmic Avenger
Carol Danvers is back and this version of Captain Marvel can also transform! She’s actually got four cards to check out but the real interesting thing is that her “normal” mode has two attacks that generate energy so that she can transform and use her other attacks as spenders:
Her Binary form certainly packs a wallop! Captain Marvel, Cosmic Avenger will hopefully live up to that 5 threat hype! For more details about this version of Captain Marvel check out AMG’s full breakdown here.
Spectacular Spider-Man
Spider-Man is back with a new Spectacular version! Peter Parker returns and is just as plucky as ever. Comparatively, both the healthy and injured sides of Spider-Man are identical. This makes him super consistent regardless of which health state he’s in. It’s also important to note this is a Threat 3 version of the hero. It’s also good to know that version represents him when he’s not quite as “experienced” as the other versions. However, he’s still Spider-Man and he’s more than capable as a Threat 3 character for your roster. For more about the Spectacular Spider-Man check out the full AMG article here.
There’s still plenty more Heroes and Villains coming with the updated Core Set for Marvel: Crisis Protocol!